The $7.18 billion acquisition of Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) by Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is finally paying off. Nokia continues to capture the Windows Phone market like no other OEM does and Lumia 520 successfully hogs one-third of the Worldwide Windows Phone device market. Out of the 10 countries surveyed for the AdDuplex Report for May 2014, Lumia 520 emerged as the most popular Windows Phone in 9 countries. The report is based on data collected from 4,114 Windows Phone apps running AdDuplex SDK v.2. However, Nokia Lumia 625, previously perceived as the next Nokia’s volume seller, captured less than one-fourth of the share of Nokia Lumia 520.
These findings clearly portray the different adoption scenario of Windows Phone devices in various countries. It also highlights the growth of low-end, mid-range and high end Windows phones, and phablets. Besides worldwide Windows Phone OS market scenario, the market share of Windows devices OEM is another highlight of the report.
According to another report, Windows Phone recorded a positive growth in all but two countries in the 3 months ended in April, 2014. The decision of Microsoft to waive the licensing fees for all the manufacturers, developing a smartphone under 9-inch screen size, is a sure way to lure the OEMs. Despite this, any other vendor, apart from Nokia, has not been able to capture a sizeable chunk of the market. AdDuplex points out that Poland is the only nation where any other brand, other than Nokia, has featured in the list of top-3 Windows Phone devices. HTC 8S has seized a 9.4% Windows Phone device market share in Poland.
Lumia 520 Captures More Than Half-the Market in Many Countries
The quick adoption rate of Windows 8.1 and the low-price have been the facilitator of huge market captured by Nokia Lumia 520. In Spain and South Africa Lumia 520 has captured more than half the Windows Phone Market with 52.1% and 51.1% market share, respectively, while in the U.S., Lumia 521 and Lumia 520, together, have captured 54.9% market. The emerging smartphone markets are price-sensitive and this has a clear impact on the sales of Windows phone devices too. Almost 53.3% Windows Phone users have affability towards the low-priced Windows devices, while a meager 2% market share was captured by Windows powered phablets.
Windows Phone 8.1, though, is in nascent stage with 5.2% of Windows Phone OS market, its better and advanced features are already luring the customers. The changes in the user-interface, bevy of built-in apps and Cortana, the personal voice assistant, are some of the features attracting the users. In the upcoming months, Windows 8.1 will be available as a free download to the existing users. Windows Phone 8 OS still holds three-fourth of the total Windows Phone OS.
Lumia 72x and 62x Are Catching Up Fast
Nokia Lumia 72x – 710 and 720 – and Lumia 62x – Lumia 610,Lumia 620 and Lumia 625 – are the high and mid-range Windows powered devices. Countries like Brazil, Russia, France, Czech Republic, Poland and Thailand are shifting towards the higher-range smartphones. In Russia, the combined market share of Lumia 72x and 62x is more than Lumia 520 while in Brazil, the Lumia 710 and 720 capture almost one-third of the Windows Phone market combined. Interestingly, the collective Windows Phone market share of Lumia 610,620,625,710 and 725 is almost the same as Lumia 520’s share in India, though the country is touted as one of the most price sensitive, but fastest emerging, smartphone markets. In Q1 2014, India recorded 186% Y-O-Y growth, resulting in 17.59 million units of smartphone shipments.
Surprisingly, Windows Phone market in Thailand has not changed much in last nine months. However, it is the only nation where Lumia 1520 and Lumia 1320 featured in top-10 Windows Phone devices. The Windows Phone market, at the cost of iOS and Android, is rapidly moving forward. The U.S. smartphone market is saturating, while the European nations are shifting towards the Windows Phone. However, it will be interesting to watch out for the incoming vendors and the their contribution to the market.