The explosive growth in Social space and mobile industry has triggered the massive adoption of social networks and Smartphone by users.  This has lead users to stay more connected with contents than ever before in an effective way. Realizing such massive adoption and influence of contents over users, brands are paying special attention to digital reach via contents being broadcast through various channels like social media, blogs, internet etc.
However, this has also initiated an undeclared race among brands to reach out users in the most innovative and adoptable ways. This infographic pays a close attention towards consumers and brands to find out When, How and What contents are making the perfect and seamless connection to influence users the most.
The infograhic highlights that while Sweepstakes and contest are the most adorable content types by users, the first 3 minutes are very crucial and deciding for brands to create an impact over consumers. Images and Videos are the most attractive form of content types that get the eyes of consumers very quickly compared to texts. Late nigh hours should be the most focused time zone for brands as users treat this slot as their reserve internet duration for personal stuffs and social media could prove the most effective channel with 79% effective share.
Despite of all, brands must use the perfect blend and mix of channels to deliver their contents to consumers. The detail infographic with many astounding facts and number after this break;