social media

Social Media Marketing Tactics To Guide You !! [Report]

Social media marketing is the best way to connect with consumers, build social brand presence and understand consumers need. A couple of days before we had presented a mix of many reports from reputed firms who analysed digital marketing...

The Best Tips Ever On How Brands Should Tweet !! [Infographic]

If you are a fresher to social networking and ambitious to master the tweeting skills. This is the best infographic for you. This is an infographic from Cheryl Lawson, which provides a convenient, one-stop list of Twitter tips, guidelines...

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Tops As Highest Rated CEO !!

A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer (executive) or administrator in charge of total management of an organization. Just yesterday, Glassdoor released the list of top 50 CEOs. The list is based entirely on employee feedback shared during the past year. Its interesting to know that Facebook's...

Facebook Statistics Which You Never Knew !! [Report]

Facebook is a social media giant, in period of 8 years the site has grown so gigantically that did not imagine nor expected. In the recent days, this site has been so essential  that every brands/companies who think about digital marketing firstly...

Social Media Users Support Social Good [Study]

Social networking sites have literally brought the world together. It brings in a feel of unity. This unity can do lot more than we think of doing. Did you know that these sites would become a prominent element for...

Social Media Marketing Sees Gains From Facebook !! [Study]

Adopting social media marketing channel in your marketing is one of the best tactics to improve your business. Its said that marketing professionals world-wide focus on social marketing this year. And, social media spending as a percentage of marketing budgets will be increased to...

The Digital Marketing Trends For 2013 !! [Report]

For many who are still confused on what digital marketing channels should their companies have to invest, here we have brought a mix of many reports related to digital marketing trends for this year. This is a complete heap...

A Brief Note On How Twitter Has Successfully Completed Its 7 Years Journey !!

Twitter with its very unique style of 140 letters has truly magnetized its users. Today it has completed it 7 years of its birth. Here is a brief note on how Twitter completed its seven years of successful journey. I think this...

Smartphones And Tablets Are The Most Preferred Devices For Watching Video Contents !! [Study]

Smart devices like Smartphones and Tablets have changed the lifestyles of people around the world. Now, they are using the devices as “second screen”. Recently we had reported that its was really tough for people to keep themselves away from...

Social Media Marketing Budgets To Double In Next Five Years !! [Report]

Adopting social media marketing strategy in your business is one of the best tactics to improve your business. 56% of marketers worldwide say that they want to integrate their Email marketing with social marketing this year. Also, marketing professionals world-wide focus on...
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Instagram Prioritizes Quality Over Quantity: New Updates Open Doors for Original Content Creators

In the dynamic world of social media, where content reigns supreme, Instagram stands as one of the prominent platforms...
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