Gigantic numbers of Americans are purchasing smartphones daily, and more and more companies are developing new ways for those consumers to use their smartphones. So it is a market that is constantly evolving. So, smartphones have become part of everyday life for many Americans, who use them to check email, browse the internet, and update social media.
Here is a survey by AYTM Market Research which surveyed 300 respondents and examined the smartphone usage by consumers and how many times a day do users go online using Smartphones.
The survey gave away few interesting facts, there was 100% results when respondents were asked how many of them own a phone with internet connection.
In the survey 8% of smartphone owners said they check social media on their phones at least 20 times per day. 10% of them said they check social media on their phones at least 10 times per day. While, 27% said they check social media a few times per day. 11% said they check social media about once per day. 8% said they check it every few days. And 21% said they never do. Interestingly, respondents under 35 and females were more likely to check social media on their phones multiple times per day.
Certainly, 6% of smartphone owners said that they check email on their phones at least 20 times per day. 14% said they check email on their phones at least 10 times per day. 31% said they check email a few times per day. 11% said they check it about once per day. 8% said they check it every few days. Additionally, respondents under 35 and full-time workers were more likely to check email on their phones multiple times per day.
The survey also observed that 6% of smartphone owners said that they use their phone’s web browser at least 20 times per day. 8% said they use it more than ten times per day. 37% said they use their phone’s web browser a few times per day. Only 9% said they use it about once per day and 12% said they never use it. Surprisingly, respondents under 35 and males were more likely to use their phone’s web browser multiple times per day.
In another study of smartphones by the same firm, which surveyed 400 respondents concluded that 76% of them used mobile internet on their phones every day. While, 52% of them polled that they use social media on their phones every day.
On the very same note, will this social media craze among smartphone users can bring Facebook phone on demand??