Increasing rate of users in social media, business pages in social media is also striving to stick onto social media in order to hoard cash from these users by using their brand pages to attract users to purchase their goods. Currently, companies dealing with health, alcohol and consumer are leading in Facebook. From July through third quarter of the year (September), showed that health and travel were the most set up pages. Pages which included health and alcohol saw the greatest gains in terms of fans. While, health, electronics and alcohol showed highest growth of fan counts from July through September, with health seeing up 19% and up 13% for alcohol and electronics each. According to the analysis by graph, the health industry takes up the first position in the relative growth by number of fans with 19% (14,000 new fans) and net increase of pages in industry by 28% that is up 54 new pages. Unfortunately, regardless of all these high percentage in terms of growth, Health remains to be smallest of all industries on Facebook with the average page size of 87,000 fans. Ironically,  alcohol seems to be one of  favorites of  Facebook users with 13% (20,000) average fan growth and is the second fastest growing industry on Facebook. But it seems the industry is not taking it seriously as net increase of new pages are shows average results of 11%.While E-commerce is increasing its social appearance by adding new pages by 22%, travel industries nonetheless than any by 23% in net increase of new pages. Though there were high expectations on fashion industry, seems users are not bothered about it much, as only 2% growth of average page size by number of fans were seen , which is negligible. Consumer goods  had the most pages set up in the third quarter, with 533 new pages in that period of time. The top three brands in Twitter according to followers in it are, Whole Foods-2,732,000 followers Star Bucks -2,625,000 and Samsung-2,016,000, the list follows by Jet blue, Toms, Etsy, Woot, Southwester Airlines, Play station, Research In Motion (Black Berry), Pepsi, Verizon Wireless, Coca-Cola, American Express, McDonald’s, Nike, Delta, target Adidas and Best Buy. Surprisingly, even in twitter the food followers were seen most, than fashion followers, where brands like Adidas and Nike had least number of followers. Interestingly, Instagram users are mostly brand followers as half of the world’s top 100 brands are seen connecting here, top brands like MTV  ( 813,201) Starbucks coffee (758,146 ) and Burberry (454,233 ) are in top positions, while McDonalds with least number of followers.
Overall, Facebook and Twitter have 98%  for global brand adoption and Google+ and Pinterest have 67% and 63% of participation respectively. Whereas, Instagram shows only 54% but one cannot deny the fact that Instagram has jumped 35% in brand adoption in just last quarter which is said to be faster than the brand adopting rate of Google+ and Pinterest. At the same point Pinterest is the most fastest independently growing site and ranks as third most popular site with more number of women users, in the recent data. It’s also been said that Pinterest has highest number of shoppers than other social sites, who just visit the brand pages, which is worth notable for E-commerce companies and can leverage its popularity to undoubtedly increase their sales and traffic.
Indeed, these comparisons and stats shows the area of interest of each users in each site differs and with the utilization of the same strategy can hopefully be help in business, if  right social platform -according to the users interest- is chosen.
graph courtesy: Social Bakers and Simply Measured