It has been some time for me working on how to increase Google AdSense earnings and ways to improve my CTC performance. Â Though, its slightly out of the leak of the site as we have been known for great analysis, insights, report and research. But many of bloggers have been constantly requesting to dig AdSense deeper for improved performance and to reveal hidden secrets to increase Google Adsense earnings. Honesty, standard blogging practices have never infatuated me so such type of posts also; but a recent interaction which one of the senior executive of Google AdSense Team has encouraged me to share the secrets to increase your AdSense earnings.
Instead of any further ado, here are top 5 secrets which can help you to improve your AdSense earnings by 10 folds but no one speaks about this ever:
Increase Google AdSense Earnings: CPC Drives The Number
You may have heard this many times before but the most interesting fact remains undiscovered. The CPC of your AdSense Ads plays the most important role – for the first AdSense Ad display on your site page. In other words, the first AdSense Ad that loads on your site contributes the maximum Cost per Click (CPC) for your Adsense earnings.
Let me explain; assume you are using three type of ad Units of Google AdSense on your site page – 768 x 60 px, 300 x 250 px and 600 x 160 px. Once a visitor lands onto any of the page of your site, Google sends the highest CPC Ad for the first zone of your site that loads first. That means if your 768 x 60 px ad size is the first ad which gets display first, then this will be the ad which will be having the maximum CPC compare to your other two ads on your page.
AdSense Earnings: CTR Controls The Performance
There are hundreds of blogs which claim and guide how to improve your CTR as higher CTR, the higher your earnings. This indirectly indicates that your daily traffic plays an important role in your AdSense earnings. However, this is only true till a certain extent.
Absolutely, there are no mandatory guidelines for recording high traffic. In fact, you can still improve your earnings with low traffic but higher CTR – WITH THE MIX of my previous CPC guidelines. You need to look for ways to have better CTR (Click Through Rate) and anything between 2% – 5% is marked as an excellent performance.
So, if you want to increase your AdSense earnings, you need to place your first AdSense Ad of the page at the place which has maximum exposure and focus. This way you will have more clicks on highest paid ads, resulting in higher earnings.
In my personal opinion, your fist Adsense ad should be placed only at the beginning of your post/article content to fetch the maximum attention of visitors.
AdSense Revenue: Market To Unique Visitors Not For Returning Visitors
It may sound little wage but it’s true, even Google also said that officially. For Google AdSense display algo, unique visitors are more important than returning visitors or hits. Therefore, even if you have a site with low traffic but higher number of Unique Visitors, it’s a good sign. You can track the number and percentage of Unique visits by integrating any of the free analytics app like Google Analytics, Piwik etc.
You can find hundreds of other links and posts who are addressing the same issue in their own style but with almost identical type of generic tips, tricks and guidelines claiming to be very effective to improve AdSense revenue. However, all 3 tips, mentioned in this post – in conjunction with other AdSense guidelines – will help you to increase your AdSense revenue atleast by 40% – 50%.
Please feel free to use the below comment section for any of your concerns, clarifications or queries related to the topic.
Nice adsense CTR information, 728×90 and 336×280 ads format works very well.
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well done you! nice one!