Despite Of Warm Response, Tablet Makers Are Failing To Set A Competitive Stage For Apple iPad

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Apple is dominating in the Tablet era because it knows what users are demanding and what the trend is? At present, the main problem with other tech giants are that they actually don’t know what they should have to do. Some device manufacturers are presently focusing on the latest technology and some on the integrated services. But, a meager number of manufacturers consolidate both technologies and integrated services in their device and most surprisingly, only few of them are more dedicated towards the users’ satisfactions. And really,  those (Apple, Amazon and Samsung) have focused on these stuffs have succeeded in the market.

Worldwide, there’s a rush among manufacturers to launch the Tablet in order to hoard cash or contend their rivals. They are competing each others just on the basis of specifications and features, nothing more than that. Apparently, for success of any product there’s a huge requirement of proper marketing, without this a product cannot grab the attention of users.

I would like to discuss here about the exclusiveness of Apple towards its retail stores. Apple is more emphasizing on its own retail stores rather than traditional online stores, what others are doing at present. Previously, I have mentioned that how Apple’s stereotype retail business is embarrassing to enterprises worldwide. In this context, Apple is quite hardcore than other players. There’s a problem with the Tablet manufacturers that they are unable to categorize their Tablet, and proper marketing of the device becomes secondary object for them. Mostly, consumers remain little bit confuse about the purpose which the Tablet is meant for.

iPad dominates in tablet

Recently, I described about the segmentation of Android Tablet, where Android powered Tablet were categorized into four major types. Undoubtedly, Amazon was among the low-price media content Tablet. It’s quite clear  that the Tablet is for users those are precautious about the price and want to have media content. Anyway, Nook and Kindle Fire Tablet are impressive due to specificity, the manufacturers have focused on eReaders, and that’s why, more users are being attracted on these platform. In this context, Apple strategy is quite clear, the company is targeting to innovative technology, media contents and integrated services.

Apple is dogmatic about its retail stores, the reason is clear, ‘no one knows you better than you’. Who could better explain Apple’s iPad , either Bestbuy or Apple Retail store? Absolutely, Apple Retail Store.  If device manufacturers are selling their device through number of online stores, one thing they should always keep in their mind that numbers of devices (of same categories) are available in the same retail store and no one is bother to promote and describe the features and qualities of the their products. For promoting the device, there’s is a need of explanation that how the device is better than other. This is the main reason why Apple is fanatic about its retail store. One thing is also well-known that Apple creates more margin on its iPad than their rivals because they have share margin with retail partners. Indeed, it’s very tough for rival to compete with Apple on the basis of price and awareness through traditional way of selling and marketing.


Now, ‘way of using’ the device is continuously changing. User wants a device which can be used for both personal as well as business purpose. In this aspect, Android powered Tablets are lagging behind iOS based iPad due to security vulnerability, whereas, RIM really needs to work hard on their Tablet in order to lure users across the world. iPad is substantially making its grab over professionals and businesses day-by-day.

Before last couple of decades, everyone was thinking that PC devices would always be ‘a dumb grey box’ and that time, none of the manufacturers noticed about the matter, but when Apple introduced its first PC in the market the whole scenario was changed—really, it was a colorful and more attractive PC instead of “bleak and anorexigenic box” . Later, Apple introduced a concept of iPod and then, iPhone. A launch of these products by Apple, has created a strong impression in the mind of masses worldwide that “Apple is an innovative manufacture”. It’s the tradition of Apple to introduce a complete new product, not just by reinvigorating the existing one. But at present, a large number of manufacturers are engaged in copycatting the design and concepts, otherwise, compete the other by unfair way.

Sometimes, it’s astounding me that numbers of analysts inexplicably alluded that “Kindle Fire is iPad killer”. How is it possible? In Q4 of the last year, Apple sold 15.4 million iPads but Amazon shipped 6 million Kindle Fire Tablets. If we are considering the shipments in first quarter of fiscal 2012, Amazon shipped just 0.9 million units of Kindle fire, whereas Apple sold 13.6 million units of iPad. In terms of shipment, Apple is unilaterally dominating in the Tablet segment, however, the advent of Kindle fire in the last year has somewhat affected iPad’s shipments but it does not mean that Kindle Fire will Kill Apple’s iPad. Previously, I have explained that Amazon is selling its Kindle Fire lower than its break-even cost in the market. It’s clear from previous discussion that Amazon’s primary business is not selling hardware and digital contents in the market but it’s main motto is to inveigle a significant number of users towards its physical retail stores. It’s quite clear that a fierce competition created by Kindle Fire in the market is insidious.

In last year, some players including RIM followed Amazon’s strategy and lowered down the price of their Tablet. Presently, manufactures are considering that low price of the device is the main stunt to be succeeded in the market. Google, Barns & Noble, RIM, Nokia and more are yet to launch its cheap Tablet later this year.

At present, user are more fascinated towards the platform having lump of apps. Presently, Apple, Google and Amazon is providing such significant numbers of apps in their app store. In terms of apps availability, Apple is once again dominating on its rivals.

I am also agree with the argue that an intense competition in Tablet segment has compelled Apple to divert form its principle. Recently, Apple has decided to launch iPad Mini in the market due to success of 7-inch Kindle Fire and others. But, we cannot say that the users are monotonous to buy 10-inch Tablet at present, sales of new iPad have proven that users are still relying on 10-inch Tablet. Astoundingly, Amazon has also decided to launch 10-inch Tablet later this year to contend Apple’s iPad.

Why Apple Is Dominating In Tablet Space?

Undoubtedly, Apple knows what the trend, and foremost paraphernalia, what users want.  Apple innovated renaissance of Tablet and ‘offering great customer service and in-store experiences’ to users.  In addition to these, Apple’s exclusiveness about its retail store and an agglomeration of apps in its App Store are the main mantras of the company to be successful.


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