
Google Inc. (GOOG) Sites Topped With 14.7 Billion Online Video Content Views, Followed By AOL Inc. (AOL) With 1.3 Billion Views! [REPORT]

Demand for online video content is increasing at a rapid pace. Users often throng online video content properties from Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), AOL Inc. (NYSE:AOL), Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB), Hulu and a lot more. Nearly 87.1% of the U.S internet...

Top 10 Creative YouTube Ads In 2013! Creativity Can Empower Paid Media! [REPORT]

The undisputed king of video content, Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) owned YouTube, has revolutionized the realm of video ads for publishers and viewers across the globe. Brands and YouTube users are on the site spending more than 4 billion hours...

Is Google Inc. (GOOG) Ruining The YouTube Experience In Its Attempt To Outplay Facebook? [STUDY]

The world’s largest video content site YouTube, second largest search engine after Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) with over 3 billion monthly search queries, recently revamped its comment section to help brands on YouTube and promote a better engagement experience for users....

Nearly 75% Of YouTube Users Tend To Publicize Their Favorite Brands! Revamped Comment Section Likely To Benefit Brands [STUDY]

YouTube, a daily go-to website has emerged as a platform that most large companies find impossible to ignore. After search giant Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), YouTube is the second largest search engine with more than 3 Billion search queries every month. Web users...

Usage Of Infographics, Videos And Social Media Is On The Rise For Content Marketing [STUDY]

Majority of advertisers are aware of the importance of Rich media content and its effects on brand visibility. Marketers of B2C firms, across the globe are emphasizing more on designing Rich media content to attract consumers and drive engagement...

LinkedIn Corp. (LNKD) Is The Undisputed King Of Referral Traffic To Corporate Websites With A 64% Share [STUDY]

LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD), Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) and Twitter are collectively responsible for 95% of visits to corporate websites from social media sites like LinkedIn, leading the pack. Corporate websites are boosting their presence on the world’s largest professional network,...

Global Mobile Ad Market 2013: Google Inc. (GOOG) To Enjoy Half Of The Cake Worth $16.5 Billion [REPORT]

Mobile and Digital advertisement is increasing faster than rupee depreciation against major currencies. In today's era when customer service is done via Social media, it makes sense. Advertise where your customers are, must be the funda of companies. And...

With 3 Billion Monthly Search Queries, YouTube Is The 2nd Largest Search Engine [INFOGRAPHIC]

We all know and praise Google for its phenomenal success, contribution and participation in worldwide Internet growth. More than a decade in existence, Google is the largest search engine on Internet and processing 12.8 billion search queries (June, 2013)...

87% Of Internet Users Prefer Email Or Facebook To Communicate [STUDY]

While people are becoming more mobile, new ways of communication are also justifying its need and market presence. Consequently, Digital Media has eroded highly in terms of use of social media, which includes Facebook, Twitter, Email, Photo and Video...

The Evolution of YouTube: One To One Billion Monthly Active Users [Video]

The undisputed king of video content, YouTube has recently achieved much-awaited milestone of 1 Billion monthly active users. The online video sharing website, launched in 2005 and later acquired by Google Inc (GOOG) for US$1.65 billion in October 2006,...
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