Microsoft Warns Millions of Windows 10 Users, And It’s Scary!

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Microsoft’s Windows 10 update worries seem to haven’t stopped even after they started to secretly offer Windows 10 for free. Despite Microsoft’s new attempts to get more newer users and address complaints, the overhauled Windows upgrades continue to anger users globally, with poor quality and questionable transparency. And now, Microsoft has been forced to issue another major warning to all Windows 10 users.

Microsoft has confirmed the KB4524244 security update can cause system freezes and crashes across every support version of Windows 10, including Windows 10 Home through to Enterprise and Server. It was sent to users as a part of their latest ‘Patch Tuesday’ updates. The KB4524244 was initially available for four days but Microsoft has now revealed it has been taken down indefinitely.

‘This standalone security update has been removed and will not be re-offered from Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or Microsoft Update Catalog,’ Microsoft wrote on the Windows 10 Health Dashboard.

While Microsoft, a global leader in computing software, has now stopped the spread of the security update, it’s users already impacted have been left to resolve the issues it caused to their devices. As reported by a major tech news outlet last week, both AMD and Intel computers were impacted with HP owners being significantly affected. Microsoft says it is ‘working on an improved version of this update,’ but in the meantime, the company has recommended impacted users to remove  KB4524244.

For users to be able to do this, Microsoft suggests to open Windows Desktop Search and type ‘update history’ and then select ‘View your update history.’ Select ‘Uninstall Updates,’ then on the Installed Updates dialogue window, find and select KB4524244, click the Uninstall button and then restart the device.

Users who are more adept at using tech can also download the Windows Update troubleshooter that will allow you to hide problematic updates and prevent them from reinstalling. As things are currently standing, it is fast becoming essential software for all Windows 10 users.


This is the second time in 10 days when the latest Windows 10 update released by Microsoft is accused of being buggy and creating various types of issues for its users worldwide. In early February, the previous update caused issues including network disconnection, audio trouble and a lot of others.

Microsoft Windows 10 in 2020

Recently, Microsoft demonstrated the future of Windows updates, with the advances targeting a new generation of dual-screen devices that are not developed for the millions of existing Windows 10 PCs and laptops. However, the big question still remains if Microsoft can take what they learnt from the extremely buggy and dodgy Windows 10 updates and apply it to Windows 10X, which is its next-generation “expression” of Windows 10. Microsoft has proposed to release it later this year in 2020. Every Windows 10 user can unanimously agree on the fact that the operating system needs dramatic update improvements as fast as possible as the level of frustration and irritability these faulty updates come with are turning out to be quite unbearable as of lately.

Microsoft Windows became and stayed a dominating presence in the desktop operating system market since it’s debut in 1985. As of January 2020, Microsoft Windows is still the frontrunner of the worldwide Operating Systems’ market standing at 88% market share. Therefore, it would certainly be wise on Microsoft’s part to make sure that they hear what their existing user base is demanding and improve upon the reliability of their updates. Let us know your thoughts about the same down below in the comments.


  1. @Michael, It’s may happens but not anytime soon. As Microsoft losing its grip over Windows OS – all thanks to its focused on Azure – soon Microsoft may realise to copy Apple’s model of making OS on Linux. By offering free but buggy OS is not going to help the company in any anyways.


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