As the internet users across the globe are browsing for information in rich media forms like images or videos, even social media websites are evolving according to the user’s choice. Recently, the world’s largest micro-blogging company Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) introduced visual tweets. These rich Tweets can bring provide the user’s connections a better picture of what’s happening around them and will give them a better feel of the depicted message within the Tweet. Previews of Twitter photos and videos from Vine will be right in front of the Tweets, thereby making the timeline appear more attractive, visual and engaging. In the official Twitter apps for iPhone and Android images are automatically expanded as a preview, users can simply tap to open the full image. Only photos from will be automatically displayed within the tweets and those from rival services like Instagram, Twitpic and Flickr won’t be displayed.
Visual Tweets Get 89% More ‘Favorites’ And 18% More ‘Clicks’
According to a study by Buffer, which analysed the last 100 tweets that included links sent from their profile on Twitter and compared the engagement data between tweets which included images and for those that did not, users found visual Tweets, which are much more engaging than the tweets without images or videos.
In the above graph, we can observe that tweets with images receive 18% more clicks than Tweets without images. Out of Twitter’s total monthly active user base of 232 Million, very few of them actually bother to Click on the tweets and look for more information. But the latest addition of images to Twitter’s timeline resulted in 18% more clicks on Tweets posted, due to the attractive visual feature.
Although, over 300 billion Tweets were composed with an average of 5700 Tweets/second by users till date, more than 75% of the users (173 million) operate the 140 char service on small and medium screens a.k.a. the mobile platform, because of which they hesitate to click on Tweets and browse through the link containing more information as a majority of websites are yet to adopt mobile first strategy. It is important to persuade users to click through the Tweet/link by presenting a tweet with a catchy tag line and more importantly fill it with rich media content like images or videos.
Users tend to Favorite the tweet when they find a better depiction of messages via images or videos. According to the graph above, Tweets with images received 89% more Favorites than those without images. Users generally tend to favorite any witty, attractive or catchy tag lines tweeted by public figures or their friends. When these tweets are accompanied by some soothing images, the chances of favoriting it are even higher. It is important for brand accounts looking to attract followers to use catchy images with good effects.Â
Tweets With Images Get A Whopping 150% More ReTweets
Re-Tweet is one of the most powerful features of Twitter which drives any interesting or important tweet viral and promotes personal Twitter account (of Tweeting user) amongst Re-Tweeting user’s own tweeps. Tweets with images recorded 150% more Re-Tweets than those without images or videos. Users are generally attracted by the rich, attractive features of images or videos, because of which they tend to Re-Tweet it and spread the same amongst their followers.
So many of the great moments shared by users on Twitter are made even better with photos or with videos from Vine. A user just need to tap and he can see more photos or play the video. Actions like reply, re-tweet or favoriting a Tweet can be done without navigating away from the timeline. A couple of ideas for brands to make their tweets special are inclusion of quotes, link tweets, questions for your followers and facts along with images or videos.
How Marketers Will Be Benefited!
Studies show that users are more likely to click on an advertisement attached to a photo or a video. Some brands have come up with innovative ways of utilizing new features which is almost similar to a mini banner Ad. Engagement for promoted tweets is likely to increase by the introduction of images or videos. This is likely to attract more advertisers who can use the platform for paid advertising. This is because on Twitter, engagement in the form of Re-Tweets is much more valuable than any other form of engagement.
Brands can use a free organic approach to advertising. They need not rely anymore on users to click on a link and view a picture. Videos or images are directly visible in the feed. Hence this would lead to a good fan following without much effort. Even videos uploaded on Vine which have the duration of 6 seconds, have higher chances of getting Re-Tweeted, as video content is bound to be creative and an effective one (as the entire Ad message is compiled within a few seconds).