Facebook Inc. (FB) Advertisement ROI: Rich Media Content Holds The Key Not Heavy Investment ! [REPORT]

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Social media marketing is on rise and majority of online firms/brands across the world are well aware of its usage in brand amplification. But, when it comes to effectively framing marketing strategies to use the customer centric social media platform, very few have knack of it. Online firms generally feel that investing lot of funds and gaining large number of impressions would suffice the purpose of a successful social media marketing; very few concentrate on designing exciting content and regularly modifying strategy based on response from users.

ShopIgniter – a leading provider of solutions that help brands promote and sell their products on the social web – had conducted research over two thousand news feed posts of Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) between Q1 and Q2 2013; their 2 billion plus impressions and their post-click performance and derived few interesting statistics.

Impression Is Not Equal To Engagement!

Don’t get fool with the number of impressions as it could be generated via any means; all it matter are Story Rate and Consumption Rate that have direct effect on ROI. One of the most significant type of user engagement mode in Facebook is Stories, actions that lead to a post on the engager’s Timeline. Although investing on paid products trigger impressions, very few users engage themselves by clicking on it or checking website.

According to the Graph below, almost all cases, the Story rate decreased when paid media was applied, except in case of Offers. Viral impressions for paid products of social media sites is high, but story rate was low mainly because of poor content. It is important for marketers to have a dedicated team for content designing; to make a better appeal to viewers by posting effective, unique content. Online brands should analyze user’s choices and post rich informative content and make sure majority of them like brand pages with feeling of attachment and not expecting only coupons and offers.

average story rate post analysis

Consumptions are the actions that have inherent value, such as watching a video or clicking on a link.  Consumption rate decides ROI of any online paid/unpaid ad campaign. Although majority of ad campaigns drive wide-spread impressions, very few of those have higher consumption rates.


average consumption rate post analysis

The average Consumption rate increased significantly for Photos and minimally for Offers; and fell for Links when paid media was used. Page admins must have 24/7 moderation of their Facebook page to avoid spammers misusing the platform by pasting suspicious links on their brand page. Generally users avoid clicking on random links mainly because of increasing spam’s on Facebook. Even video updates, which are considered to be viral was unable to drive interest amongst users mainly because of poor content, long version, inadequate effects and theme. Majority of advertisers are failing to realise the importance of content part; investing on an ad campaign is never sufficient. Equal importance must be given to content part and its effects/ reviews/ feedback must be analysed at regular intervals.

Negative Feedback From Users Must Be Analyzed

It is important for Brand page admin to analyze negative feedback along with positive ones. Negative feedback helps in improving marketing strategy by making required changes in initiatives adopted, as most of the users dislike particular ad even if smallest part of it provides negative impact. Care must be taken to rectify the part which might be hurting sentiments of users and not changing entire marketing strategy. Negative Feedback arises because of difference in opinions between user and the content writers. It is not recommended to totally modify strategy for sake of handful of people, but minor changes made to bring the content and user’s view into same line of sight can act as a smarter option.

Negative Feedback helps online brands in discovering potential markets for their product. If Facebook Ad campaigns of certain online brand in particular demography does not click well into advertiser’s favour (due to dominance of local players), in such cases they can migrate their investment elsewhere. Facebook’s promoted products can be targeted to specific location.negative feedback post analysis

Proper analysis/moderation of brand page is mandatory after investing on any online ad campaigns. In above graph we can see that ‘’Paid ads via note, photo, video’’ received maximum negative feedback from majority of users. When a particular brand invests in promoted products, care should be taken to provide rich media content to users else they might be fed up continuous flow of less attractive Ads on their news feed. Although, Video and image content are more viral than other modes of advertising, above graph conveys different story. Negative feedback need not necessarily mean that mode of advertising (Video, photo inclusion) is wrong, but certain rectifications can make it better and more profounding.

If a brand is promoting its product through video ad campaign, it make sure to make it attractive and informative by including every single detail about the product. Story line creation, avoiding mismatch of audio-video, contact info, mode of conveying info (inclusion of music track), boost views and conversions with clear calls to action,  and making ad attractive to watch are few measures that should be taken care of. Status updates consisting of images must be monitored with care, as conversion rate of users highly depends on first impression of your image. Pictures with Human touch especially close-ups derive higher CTR, provided image is relevant to your product. It’s best to upload horizontal (landscape) images to make sure you’re maximizing the space available.

Adoptable Measures

Social media marketing especially Facebook Marketing is emerging as most important marketing tool; majority of online brands are widely using it but very few have grabbed the knack of making it effective. Pouring heavy investment on social media ad campaigns wont suffice the cause; proper planning is required to earn every single user. Every firm should have separate divisions taking care of content writing, social media marketing,  24by7 service to online queries, monitoring Facebook page to keep it spam free. Strategic and effective use of social networks serves as your word of mouth. Systematic planning and knack will help you make it a referral marketing machine. Proper timing, Catchy updates, including effective images, videos,

Source: The 2013 Social Reach Media Benchmark Report


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