Previously, we have discussed about how iOS dominated over Android mobile OS in the mobile ad impression in March of this year. According to a previous report, iOS had 53% mobile ad impression in March of this year, while Android succeeded to make an impression of just 47% worldwide. A market analysis firm “Velti” has reportedly stated that iOS had 55% of mobile ad impression in April of this year, widen its impression by 2% compare to the prior month. On the other hand, Android succeeded to make its impression on 45% of mobile ad market, down 2% compare to the prior month.
The report has also revealed that iPhone played significant role to make its mobile ad impression, accounted twenty percent in April of this month, while iPod Touch and iPad accounted 15% and 13% impression respectively during the same period. On the contrary, Samsung Galaxy S2–among top Android devices –had just 2.3% of mobile ad impression in April of this year.
It’s pretty clear for the recent report that the ad impression of iPad increased in April of this year, the reason is quite obvious that new iPad recorded 3 million shipments within three days of its launch in March of this year. The new iPad alone accounted 8% mobile ad impression in April of this year, while iPad 2 had 13% impression.
The firm has also unveiled the impression of Smartphone on different carriers in the US. In terms of mobile ad impression, AT&T dominated over all carriers in the country, accounted 53% of total ad impressions, while other players such as Verizon and Sprint had just 24% and 19% impression respectively in April of this year.
In the US, women/mother seemed most lucrative accounted CPMs of $15.15, followed by finance and automotive with CPMs of $10.21 and $9.51 respectively.
However, I am not quite satisfied with the firm’s stats in context of mobile ad impression because the firm has mentioned 100% of ad impression only from two players–Android and iOS–but did not explain about the impression of other players such as Microsoft, RIM and other. There might be a possibility that mobile ad impressions accounted by other players (except Android and iOS) could more likely to be negligible.
Source: Velti