Poker being one of the most popular online played game, Twitpoker now  gives a chance to those poker addicted players to quench their poker thirst.  Not only in computers but also in social networking sites, it is a way to interact with people through Twitter and to follow them, add comments, and receive too. 27,000 plus Twitter account holders had played this game in a single table, but not with cards and money; with their twitter  followers putting on bet. There is nothing to surprise that Colombian Twitter made it possible.
To make the app and concept more visible, Y&R Colombia – developers of this interesting game – had selected 5 biggest twitter users to play Twitpoker. The players were ZarateCamilam with 45,334 followers, Jorgitomacumba with 8,613 followers, AlejandroRai with 104,230 followers, Antoniosanint with 11,552 followers, and Soymuyaburrido with 16,244 followers. This time the followers are given the privilege to decided the “poke”(players decision of showing the playing card) . With the help of webcam, players and followers had shown their cards to the team-mate. The Winner took over all 180,000 Twitter followers as a winning prize and losers left with no followers they earned.
There was an exciting offer for one of  the followers of which the winner got a winning flight ticket to Las Vegas and all the company bared all the holiday expenses and  the losers had to slip away empty-handed.
Twitter users who keep up a huge number of followers will usually not dare to bet their followers on Twitpoker. However, with these exiting offers the users might take the leap of faith of betting their followers on the line in Twitpoker which could result in doubling their followers in no time.
This is much appreciated move by Y&R Columbia who has finally got something to cheer for Gambling industry which was in hunt for a significant reason to use social media. I am sure with the launch of such games, twitter users will not only have a great fun but also end up poking others’ followers and will strengthen their presence on social media.
Have a look on this interesting video after this break and enjoy !