Each day we come across number of spams in our inbox or on our social networks. Still, no such software has been prepared or launched by any of the companies which can control the overflow of illegitimate communication. Recently, an Infographic has been released which reveals the definition of spam as well as how users can spot it.
Currently, on an average 89% of the mails pouring into the mail box every day are spam. And one will be surprises to know that around seven trillion spam messages was sent across all technologies last year.
In fact, aggresive tweeting or retweet of the same messages are also being considered as spam and Twitter controls the right to abandon such spammers from its platform. Therefore, a cautionary approach over social networks habits is also much needed while you try to influence people from your words.
The Infographic highlights that users should not aggressively approach people for various social activities like Adding people in circles, re-tweeting, posting the same message again, tagging many people for almost each of your updates.