Despite of all grooming efforts from Google, Facebook has again stamped the supremacy in one of the Google’s wing. Facebook has emerged as the most popular app of Google’s Android Market place beating all apps from Google family. Android smartphone owners have preferred Facebook over Google’s Gmail, Map and Search to stay updated.
A recent survey from Nielsen reveals that Android market and Facebook are the most popular smartphone apps among Android owners. From social app segment, Facebook has made its supremacy, and it has become the most popular social apps among all age groups participated in the survey. It is estimated that Facebook has 80% of participation among active users from age group of 18-24 and 25-34. However, participation percentage decreases among the users from age group of 35-44 which is little less of 77%. Although, Google’s YouTube has got good response from Android app users with 64% among 18-24 age group but failed to surpass Facebook in social apps segment. Also, the usage share among 25-34 and 35-44 age group goes down with 56% and 51% respectively. Other media apps like ‘Words with friends’ and ‘Pandora’ seems quite popular among the age group 18-24 compare to older demographics.
Now, it’s time to play- It has also been found that not only kids are interested to tamper with Game apps but older demographics have also shown their inquisitive in the game apps. One ubiquitous game—Angry Birds is mostly popular among older age group Android users compare to younger age group. 35% of users from the age group of 35-44 years have liked to play with Angry Bird compare to 22% of younger users from 18-24 years age group.
According to apps’ sales perspective, the 35-44 segment demonstrates greater inclination to shop using Amazon’s Appstore while younger segment 18-24 and 25-34 have shown little less interest to do so.
Also, after insight observation, Google’s search, Maps and Gmail were the most popular Android apps – after Facebook – used by the Android user in last 30 days. Although, the study has included numbers of apps like Quickofffice, Advanced Task Killer Free, whether Channel, Adobe Reader and Yahoo mail, but these apps are far behind in percentage of usage compare to most popular apps such as Facebook, Android market, and Google search.
The survey was conducted among different age groups classified into three segments -18-24, 25-34 and 35-44 years. It was focused on the active use of apps and the information was gathered by owners who used the apps within last 30 days. Nielsen analyzed the data from its proprietary device meters on the smartphones of the thousands of consumers. They inquired the information from users’ smartphones those who agreed to take participation in Nielsen’s ongoing analytic research.
It’s pleasure for owners of Android handset that the market is full of apps but the purchase of premium apps in the market is very few. It may disappoint apps developers and, off course, not good for Google. Whatever it is, the combined popularity of Google’s apps among all age group has marked an incredible success of the company.