So, finally the big cat is out of the box. Facebook has unveiled the much anticipated “Timeline” – a complete new way to see and visualize your profile page. Within few hours of launch at f8 conference, blog sphere started flooding with the feedback and responses about upcoming replacement of profile.
Many of users have thumbs down the new feature while many stand positive. However, their ranking and feedbacks are mostly dependent on the live demo by mark itself and on introductory video posted at YouTube as Tmeline is still few weeks away from its official roll out.
However, if you are avid social media user and have some basic knowledge of basic software development, you can revamp your profile page into Timeline instant – in just few minutes. Please make a note that below process is mainly defined keeping developers in mind, so if you have absolutely no idea about development, its advisable not to play with your Facebook account.
Here is a nice simple way how you can enable timeline for your Facebook account:
Go to your Facebook Home Page.
On Top search box, type “developers” and click on the very first result.
Click on the “Create New App” button at top right hand side of the window. Enter the display name and namespace of your new app which you are going to create. Don’t worry you can choose any word like typo, fly etc. Read through and agree to the Platform Privacy agreement. This is the step you need to be verified for.
Just ensure that you’re at new setting home page of your app. To ensure, see your app name at left top side of the page.
- Click on “Get Started” using open graph” link under Open Graph option..
- Now you need to create a test action for your app, like “fly” a “sleep”, or “eat” a “burger”
- This should drop you into an action type configuration page. Change a few of the default settings or just leave as it is and click-through all three pages of settings
- Wait for 2-3 minutes
- Go back to your Facebook home screen. An invite to try Timeline should be waiting at the top of the page
And you’re done! We’ve seen this work quite a few times now, so it should work without a hitch for just about anyone
I hate it when forget to reup and then I run out of week late at night, but then I still want to smoke more…sucks! Now I have to wait until tomorrow evening