Itu Rathore

Walmart Net Sales by Quarter: FY Q1 1996 – Q1 2021

The above graph represents Walmart net sales by quarter, starting from fiscal Q1 1996 to the recently completed quarter. Walmart quarterly net sales increased an 8.7% YoY in fiscal Q1 2021, to $133,672 million, worldwide. However, it's nearly 4.9%...

Number of Infosys Employees by Quarter

The above graph represents the total number of Infosys employees by quarter, worldwide. As of December 2019, Infosys has 243,454 employees around the world. The company employed 6,968 new people in the last three months and 17,953 new people...

Number of Infosys Million Dollar Clients by Quarter

The above graph represents the number of Infosys million dollar clients by fiscal quarter. The total number of Infosys active clients increased to 1,384 in FY Q3 2020, from 1,251 active clients the company had during the same time...

Infosys Quarterly Revenue from Operations

The above graph represents the Infosys quarterly revenue from operations, starting from fiscal Q1 2018 to the recently completed quarter. Infosys global revenue reached a record-high in FY Q3 2020, amounting to $3,243 million. Out of that, a whopping...

Infosys Quarterly Revenue Share by Region

The above graph represents Infosys quarterly revenue share by region - North America, Europe, India and Rest of the World. As the graph shows, the contribution of North America to the Infosys total quarterly revenue has always been higher...

Infosys Quarterly Revenue by Region: FY Q1 2001 – Q1 2021

The above graph represents the Infosys quarterly revenue by region, starting from fiscal Q1 2001 to the recently completed quarter. As the graph shows, the Indian IT firm generates a majority of its revenue from the North America region,...

Infosys Quarterly Revenue by Segments

The above graph represents the Infosys quarterly revenue by segments, starting from fiscal Q1 2001 to the recently completed quarter. As of December 2019, the company's reportable business segments include Financial Services, Retail, Communication, Energy, Utilities, Resources & Services,...

Infosys Quarterly Revenue by Offering – Digital and Core

The above graph represents the Infosys quarterly revenue by offering - Digital and Core. In fiscal Q3 2020, the quarterly revenue of Infosys reached an all-time high of $3,243 million, with a year-over-year increase of 8.57%. Interestingly, nearly 59.4%...

Infosys Revenue Per Employee by Quarter

The above graph represents the Infosys revenue per employee by quarter, starting from fiscal Q3 2014 to the recently completed quarter. The company is generating on average $54,100 from each of its full-time employees as of March 31, 2020....

Infosys Revenue and Net Income by Quarter

The above graph represents the Infosys revenue and net income by quarter, starting from fiscal Q1 1996 to the recently completed quarter. Surprisingly, in fiscal Q1 2021, Infosys quarterly revenue and net profit, both declined when compared to the...

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