With each passing day, it is becoming harder and harder to win a bigger market share unless your company has something different, something exciting that will attract new customers that other companies aren’t offering. Today’s consumer really wants a dialogue with the companies they deal with, a real relationship they can trust, and so if you are going to engage customers in the 21st Century, you have to give them something real, a taste of who you are as the people behind the company. That’s what they crave, and unless you can engage them, all other marketing efforts may be in vain.
Video Presentations
One of the easiest ways to engage your customers is to have a well-crafted video presentation either on your site or linked to from your site. The largest group with spending power is now the millennials and so YouTube has become, for all intents and purposes, a way of life for them. If they can see you on YouTube, you must be for real, and if you are for real, it is safe to buy from you. It’s basically that simple.
Few people on earth don’t like something for no reason and even fewer still who don’t like to be a winner. One of the best, if not most exciting, ways to engage customers is through contests where they can win a real prize and have fun doing it. Look at how successful some of the major contests have been over time. The United States has Publisher’s Clearing House with grand prizes of over a million USD and what about Coke, Pepsi and even all the car companies that offer the grand prize of a new vehicle?
Video Games Embedded to Your Website
Gaming is a huge industry, so speaking of winners and exciting prizes, many companies have started adding little video games and personalised summaries to their content so that customers become more engaged while on a website. This is a perfect solution for companies that run a blog as well as a storefront and a little embedded game such as a quick hand of poker, or a slots machine would give them a reason to come back and try for the ‘once daily’ shot at winning the prize. Personalised video content, such as that in the above link, can also become a kind of status symbol for many people and you’ll notice many websites now taking advantage of this.
Social Media
Then there is social media, another great way to engage your customers. You can actually ‘talk’ to them throughout the day as they comment on posts you place on your Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest pages. Then what about Twitter? Conversations go through fast and furious, and there is nothing like a customer knowing you are hearing them, actually hearing them, and responding to what they are saying. That is a connection that is hard to beat. If you want to engage your customers, get them talking!
The key to marketing in the 21st Century is engagement. There is no doubt about it. Study after study indicates that engagement is what customers really crave from the brands they buy from and so the more you can engage them, the easier it will be to grow your company. That’s a simple 21st Century statement of fact.