Undoubtedly, Samsung is the world’s largest mobile handsets and smartphone manufacturer. But a recent patent victory of Apple has insisted the South Korean electronics giant to work on its own mobile OS—an alternative of Android. Anyway, Samsung has its own OS and it’s currently working on number of platforms such as Windows Phone 8, Tizen and Android. But, a discussion sparked out when Verizon’s CEO—Lowell McAdam—said at an investors conference last week, “There’s a potential elephant in the room with Samsung”. The CEO also added that Samsung may be a “dark horse” with its own OS in the wireless industry.
Of course, Samsung has the money, market share and technical know-how; that are sufficient to push a smartphone OS in order to contend potent rivals like Apple and Google. It’s quite obvious that no vendor can succeed the modern smartphone market just by the OS and hardware. The modern smartphone market is whole about the mobile ecosystem comprising app store, in app purchasing, social networking, digital contents and more.
At present, Apple and Google have well-developed contents and ecosystems, while on the other side of horizon, Amazon is also working hard on its mobile ecosystem offering 22 millions movies, songs, TV shows and more on Kindle Fire Tablet. Prior to join Windows Phone platform, Nokia abandoned its MeeGo OS because it realized that it had not sufficient resources to create whole mobile ecosystem to scramble Apple and Google’s mobile ecosystems. RIM is also occupied with the same issues.
Samsung is working on its mobile OS because it wants to generate more revenue from its mobile ecosystem by making control over its own hardware and software like Apple. Samsung is trying to follow the same business models what Apple currently does. However, RIM has adopted the same business model but it has failed to sustain its position in the market due to poor mobile ecosystem. I think, the South Korean handset manufacturer has ability to make control over its hardware and software ecosystem.
Just a few months before, I explained the need of Samsung to look beyond that of Android platform. However, the company has started working on Tizen; read the article how Samsung could leverage over Tizen to build an alternative platform of Android. At present, fragmentation of Android has become a severe headache for developers and that’s why, majority of developers are unwilling to work on Android platform. If Samsung wants to create a mobile ecosystem around, then it needs to have considerable numbers of developers those who want to work on Samsung’s OS platform. Now-a-days, security vulnerability has also become one of the major concerns for Android platforms, especially business professionals those who have kept themselves away from Android devices.
A flock of manufacturers are working on Android platform which are creating an intense competition on this platform. It’s true that Samsung really needs to have its own mobile OS due to increasing number of legal maneuvers from Oracle and Microsoft for the use of Android OS.
The market is already crowded with Android smartphones and Samsung has played a vital role in prevalence of the OS. On the other side, Apple has also created a stronghold in consumers’ mind with its OS and mobile ecosystem. This time, it’s very tough for other OS to compete with Android and iOS. However, Microsoft’s Windows Phone has started to gain momentum in mobile OS segment and it could be emerged as third strongest OS in the market.
I’m little-bit skeptic about the Samsung’s strategy to focus on sales figure; the company launches dozens of products in a year to dominate the market in terms of shipments. It has shipped 20 million units of Samsung Galaxy SIII in just 100 days since its release. I don’t think that Samsung Bada or Tizen could combat with Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android this time in the market. Apparently, it would be a big gaffe to consider that Samsung could be ‘dark horse’ with own OS.