Whether its social connections or branding, time pass or entertainment, teaching or business, shares or promotion, Facebook is in every nook of the globe. Over the years Facebook has helped building social connections between the friends, colleagues and family, where as some people use it to kill time or to play online games or for entertainment. Some even use it to teach online or to promote business. In short it has won more than 901 million hearts in a very short period.
Currently Facebook is overtaking other social media websites around the globe and is becoming one of the favorite Facebook destinations. Over the past two and a quarter year or roughly 800 days, Facebook has won over 30 countries and will continue its surge.
And following is the representation of Facebook’s growth statistics in over 30 countries from December 2008 to December 2008.
Facebook overtook many social media websites like Friendster, Orkut, Yahoo, Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. And you can have a look at the top social media websites where Facebook is at the peak. The reason being Facebook is user friendly with many easy to use plugins, multiple languages, best and top applications, third-party applications, acquisition like Instagram and various apps especially for smartphones. But only a few Countries like South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and China have other market leaders like Renren and douban in China. Amazingly Vietnam, Japan and South Korea are ranked among the fastest growing countries in Facebook though Facebook is not in the lead. An interesting infographics about Facebook at the top and the top Asian Facebook countries are as follows