A tug of war has been going on for a week now between Microsoft and Google about the new privacy policy of Google. The new mandatory privacy policy will merge all policies that currently exist across 60 of companies numerous web products/services.
Earlier, Microsoft had published a full page ad promoting its services while showing the drawback in the Google’s new policy saying that the new policy is harder for the users to maintain control of their personal information. But, the the show doesn’t end there as Microsoft is trying to promote its own services by throwing light on Google’s other loop holes too. Now, Microsoft has posted a video on the company’s official YouTube, Twitter and Facebook page captioned as “Gmail Man”. Though, the video was released few months ago but Microsoft has officially put it against Google only now.
The video has a catchy tune to it with a man delivering the mails while going through it. The video depicts that Google goes through all our mails that we send and receive for keywords and hosts the appropriate ad on our page with it. While some of the users are least bothered if Google really does it or not others are really concerned about the company going through their private data just to mint more revenue out of it.
Microsoft is trying to build insecurity in the people’s mind by this video and pull people who are more concerned about their mail privacy, towards its Office 365 service. Google had responded to the Microsoft’s previous newspaper ad earlier this week, will it respond to this video as well??