A majority of people around the world prevent themselves to adopt any machinery equipment like PC or mobile handsets especially for marketing or banking purpose. They prefer to use a conventional way for the money transactions. In less developed countries, a vast population even does not know what the mobile payment is ! It’s awkward to carry out the wallet everywhere for the credit or debit from its bank accounts. It’s surprising to say that the mobile payment is also not popular even in developed countries like US where only 14% of the companies are using the mcommerce. Thanks to Acquity Group, which has endeavored to provide the statistics of the MCommerce in US.
Mobile payment is an alternative method of paying instead to pay with the cash, cheque or the credit card. Presently, consumers are using the method for a wide range of services and products like music, videos, online games, tickets and others. The firm reveals, the mobile payment of $240 billion would be going to subsist in 2012 while it seems bullish in 2015 where it would reach to $670 billion. The statistics also elaborates that only 24% US companies are going to implement mCommerce next year while 57% aren’t engrossed to implement. In 2010, entertainment, electronics and clothing/apparel items contributed 48%, 45% and 45% respectively to the mCommerce. Also, in US, there were 102.1 million mobile payment users in 2010, while it was augmented to 141.1 million users in 2011.
It’s pretty clear that US companies are going to aggressive about its mCommerce in upcoming years. The eagerness of the vast masses to own the smartphone might promote to mcommerce providing companies in US.