A New “Like” Button from Facebook : Much Informative, Much Sexier !

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Facebook has just confirmed that it is on verge of rolling new Facebook ‘Like’ button which is getting display all over the web these days. Most of the websites, blogs, articles and news portals are using ‘Like” button to increase the popularity of their content across the web. Company assured that the new variations of the Like button to make it more seamless for people to like content and share it with their friends

The new seamless like button will display furthermore detail information about the likeness of any information. New button will display the number of counts next to button which would help readers to understand the popularity of any information.  When you click on this new button, it brings the number inside the actual Like box. Previously, it remained outside the box and the Like box simply turned dark blue indicating you had clicked on it. Now the box remains light blue — but again, this count is inside of it stating that “X people” liked the item.

Recently Twitter had launched its first official tweet count button which also displays the no of tweet counts for any given post. On the same fashion, Facebook has revamped the size of its button, exactly same as Twitter and Buzz. Also, this new button makes it hard to accidentally unlike something because you don’t just click the button again, now you have to hover over the thumb icon to bring up an undo arrow — this is something everyone should appreciate.

It seems to be completely random which pieces of content Facebook is testing these new buttons out on. For example, some of our posts have the old button, some have the new button. We’ve reached out of Facebook for clarification about the new button and will update when we hear back.


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