5 Effective Ways of Posting A Job on Indeed For Maximum Results

If you know how to write an effective job post and description on Indeed, you'll be able to find the right talent regardless of the skills, experience level, or qualifications you're looking for. Here are the top five effective ways of posting a job for maximum results!

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Indeed is an enormous job posting platform thousands of companies rely on for their hiring process. However, having a large market means many competitors out there looking to exploit the same benefits.

In other words, companies can spend a lot of time and resources on their posting process while not getting the qualified candidates they need. It’s essential to have a comprehensive approach when posting a job on Indeed and consider all the critical aspects to get the desired results.

Employees are a company’s most valuable asset. Hiring the right people can improve overall morale, productivity, efficiency, and business growth. Here are a few things you should consider before you post a job on Indeed.

1. Carefully analyze your needs. 

Before posting a job on Indeed, you should look to answer some questions. Take a look at your business and see what your needs are. Look for new roles or positions you need to improve your operations.

On the other hand, see which departments lack the human resources to achieve the desired goals. See which tasks and projects your employees execute on time and which require more help. Analyze every aspect of your business and see which areas you can improve.

Once you do that, think about the ideal candidates for those areas. Consider what skills, knowledge, and education they need to do that job properly.

2. See what your competition is doing. 

When looking to hire new people, you can’t look at your business as an isolated entity. Every company has its market with its competition. It’s essential to understand the market and your competition even when hiring. 

For example, learning about who is hiring and when can give you a better perspective on how well a business is performing. When you see that a particular company was able to hire people quickly, you can see what they’ve done and try to improve your process through their example. 

You can do all that by getting Indeed job posting data and analyzing the information about job posts, descriptions, roles, employees, etc. This information will help improve your hiring process, and you also might also get a strategic advantage over your competition.

3. Motivate people to apply. 

Companies use many strategies to attract potential employees’ attention and stand out from the crowd. How can you do that? Apart from posting jobs on Indeed, companies can customize their Indeed Company Page on the platform.

This page lets you present your company and let potential candidates learn more about your business. Create your Company Page and start building a brand with featured employee reviews, company updates, and priority roles. 

That will help you compete in the hiring market. Every bit of information helps people understand who you are and what you stand for. On average, job seekers who check out a company page are twice as likely to apply for a position.

4. Consider sponsoring your posts. 

Sponsored jobs are paid job listings added to search results. They work the same way as ads on search engines. Indeed will display your ad whenever someone looks for a position or company related to you. That means only the most relevant people will see your ad, helping you get more exposure. 

Sponsored jobs give you a better chance of attracting suitable candidates and provide a consistent flow of applicants. Typical job listings are effective initially but decrease in results over time. Some people won’t scroll down and will only check out a couple of the first results.

People who have answered your “deal-breaker” questions positively will only have the option of applying to sponsored jobs. In other words, you will have to spend less time filtering candidates. If you don’t like the application, you can reject it and get new applicants.

5. Work on writing clean and detailed job posts

Before you post a job on Indeed, you must work hard on all the details and create a clear draft. Here’s what you need to do.

Find the right job title.

Take the time to consider the perfect job title that will accurately describe the position while getting the attention of job seekers. Make a compelling and descriptive title that will clearly explain what the job is all about. 

Write a job description. 

The job description area lets you explain to job seekers what education, skills, experience, and responsibilities are necessary to apply. You can also give information about how that positing looks during a regular workday. 

The job description section is also an excellent opportunity to include relevant keywords that will make your listing more visible in search.

Show your attributes. 

Many people are looking for a company with a strong culture. Make sure to fill out your company career page on your official website and highlight all the essential aspects of your brand. Display your company within the job posting. 

How to Post a Job on Indeed

There are some easy steps to post a job on Indeed. To get started, click on the “Post a Job” button on indeed.com/hire. You will be asked to create your account with a company name, email address, employer’s full name, password, and other information.

After setting up an employer account on Indeed, you will need to enter your job details such as job title, job location, type of job (full-time or part-time), and salary details if you want to provide it. There is a box of job descriptions that you need to fill out.

To make sure candidates meet the requirements for the specific job, an employer must add some screener questions. Asking about skills, experience, or certifications will allow an employer to filter candidates in the Employer Dashboard based on their responses.

Once you’ve finished submitting your job information, you’ll have the option to upgrade to a Sponsored Job. Sponsored jobs on Indeed are meant to increase visibility among qualified job seekers.


Posting a job on Indeed requires careful preparation to attract top talent. After taking all these steps, you must prepare for the hiring process. Evaluate all credentials and resumes and create a shortlist with the best, most qualified applicants.

Schedule the interviews timely and include helpful questions that can help you assess all candidates’ skills, knowledge, and personalities.

If you know how to post a job on Indeed, you’ll be able to find the right talent regardless of the skills, experience level, or qualifications you’re looking for.


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