Everyone’s an expert on the internet. Sometimes that expertise can be determined by the amount of social media followers they have or by the level of engagement they can generate. As mass communication continues to evolve through the web, brands look to these self-imposed experts. Their influence alone can help drive up sales or further a worthy cause. This is widely and popularly known as Influencer marketing nowadays!
Being an influencer may seem easy based on all the articles you read online. The truth is, however, it takes a lot to hold onto that status much less achieve it. Influencers don’t even have to be some third party you can get to promote your product or service. If you’re dedicated enough, then you too can become an influencer.
It has been estimated that the Influencer marketing industry would be as big as $10 – $15 billion by 2020. Indeed it’s a sizeable amount and every individual influencer wants to have the biggest chunk of the pie. But, considering the rising number of influencers that are mushrooming with each passing month, becoming a real influencer who could generate ROI for brands is not going to be a cakewalk.
So, what are the tricks of the trade to stand out in the crowd?
Find a Niche: The Most Important
Internet personalities thrive when they find a specific niche to cater to. Make a list of topics you’re interested in. See if any relation to one another. James Rolfe, for example, is known to millions for his coverage of classic video games as his character, “The Angry Video Game Nerd.” He used this fame to branch off into other topics such as cult movies and 80’s nostalgia.
Your Brand: Don’t Fake It
The internet is littered with all kinds of bloggers, vloggers, and streamers. If the market is saturated, how can you succeed? By finding your own voice, of course! People will follow you if you put your “spin” on a familiar subject.
Many influencers are have developed a habit of faking sponsored content by tagging their posts with #ads. The objective here is to falsely portray their brand as high in demand. They believe in “fake it till you make it” strategy.
Be warned, you are playing on the internet ground where things are quite transparent. Sooner or later people find the truth which will have an adverse effect on your brand. Remember, rebranding is much more difficult than branding!
Test Channels
Influencers typically stick to major social media channels and media sharing platforms. Not all are going to be successful. Try as many as you can to see which works right for you. Take note of how many follows and likes you get on each.
Keeping a loyal fan base can be tough. Maintaining that level, and building on it, requires being consistent with your content posting. Set a specific date and time to post new content. This encourages fans to keep checking in.
Moment by Moment
Sometimes there’s just nothing to share. It might be difficult for podcasters and other production-based media, but it’s different for social influencers. On Instagram, it’s possible to live through the moment. Choose a moment out of your daily life to share.
People turn to the internet when they want to learn about obscure facts. This exclusivity can add value to your content. Give your audience an expert opinion and assure them of your trustworthiness. Don’t get too emotional, and always compare your work against others making the same claims. Are they coming up with the same answers or is there some detail they’re missing?
Production Quality
If you’re passionate about your brand, then show your work. Whatever content you make must be of the highest possible quality. Use only the best tools and listen for feedback from your base.
Build Lasting Relationships
Whether at public events or online, it helps to connect with people. Remember your working for your audience, not yourself. Audience engagement demonstrates that you’re on their level, too. Connect with third parties to broaden your scope to fields outside your own. Your followers will appreciate this.