Want To Increase Sales And Keep Customers Happy? Add A Price List !

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Every business aims to get the best return on investment out of its website by using it to connect with more potential customers. There are a number of stages in the buying process that every individual goes through, from contemplating solutions to weighing up options, to evaluating suppliers to finally making a purchase.

Consult any textbook or blog about digital marketing and you will find no end of tips on how to engage with customers at each of these steps, but when you start to get into it, you soon see a heavy bias towards the early stages.

You will be advised to create blog posts, talk about your industry, engage on social media and so on, to get people interested in your company and build a reputation as an expert. However, when it comes down to it, the final step is closing that sale, and this is where the advice tends to start drying up.

People like information

The more information you give about your products and services, the easier it is for customers to get answers to their questions. This immediately leads us to two key takeaways:

  1. If the information is not there, customers are more likely to go to an alternative supplier than to take time searching for it or asking for it.
  2. One of the most important pieces of information that customers want is how much your product or service is going to cost them.

A price list should, therefore, be close to the top of your agenda when considering what to put on your website. If it’s not there, visitors might still visit in their droves and read your interesting and insightful blog posts, but they will then head off to the competition to spend their money.

Adding a price list

Your price list needs to be transparent, clearly understood and enhancing, rather than detracting from, the rest of your site. This is why you should always use a professionally made price list template rather than being tempted to create something yourself. Writing the prices of the daily specials on a blackboard might work in a pub or café, but a DIY job on the website will make it look a mess, and could ultimately damage the entire user experience that you have worked so hard to generate.

Research has shown that vendors who have a transparent price list on their sites enjoy a 400 percent improvement in leads over those who do not. Yet there are still those who feel the website is not the place to talk about it, as if the fact that you are running a business and will expect customers to give you money in exchange for products or services is a dirty secret that should not be mentioned.

It sounds crazy, but this prompts many companies to use vague phrase like “contact us for more details.” All that suggests is that there is something about your prices that you would prefer not to discuss in public – besides which, as we noted above, most customers will not bother contacting you, they will simply go to another site where the pricing is transparently communicated.


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