Facebook Home, a new app unveiled by Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) yesterday, would be launched in the U.S. on April 12th this year. The social networking giant revealed that the app for Android devices, running on Jelly Bean and Ice Cream Sandwich versions. However, the company hasn’t told any thing so far whether it would launch the app for Gingerbread and older versions or not.
Facebook Home would be like a home screen, comprising Facebook rich experience such as full-screen photos, status updates, and notifications. In addition, Facebook Inc. has also announced that a special version of ‘Home’ would be launched pre-installed on HTC First Phone on AT&T. However, the Home will be rolled out later, following its launch in the U.S. The social networking company would try to make Home on tablets very soon.
On Android smartphones, the Home could be downloaded using recent Facebook and Facebook Messenger app. In addition, Android users can also download ‘Home’ from Google Play Store as well. Have you noticed why Facebook would launch the app?
At yesterday’s event, Facebook CEO–Mark Zuckerberg–told, “Today we’re going to finally talk about that Facebook Phone, More accurately, we’re gonna talk about how you can turn your phone into a Facebook Phone. After noting we spend more than 20% of our mobile time on social apps. We asked ourselves — if we’re already spending this much time on our phones, how can we make it easier? What if they were designed around people first, and you could also just happen to interact with apps?”
Facebook Home Starts With Cover Feeds That Will Obsess Users
Home also features a new notification system, using this Android users can get multiple alerts at a time. One of the noticeable features of Home is that it would come up with ‘Facebook Chat Head feature’. However, in listening, Chat Head sounds little dumb, despite it could be one of the impressive features on Android device. The main intention of Facebook with Facebook Home is to allow handset maker to optimize the Home experiences of their device.
Yesterday, a list of hardware partners and carriers were also unveiled; which included AT&T, HTC, Samsung, Orange, Qualcomm, Huawei, Sony, Alcatel, ZTE and Lenovo. In conjunction with HTC and AT&T, Facebook Inc will release its first Home update. The OS of the device, HTC First, would be optimized to provide unique user experiences, including email notifications and calendars on Facebook Home.
Facebook Chat Head Would Be Lucrative For Users
With Home, Facebook wants to focus on people’s experiences, rather than apps. The company really doesn’t want to make the app just for the sake of serving some people. The social networking corporation is focused to provide a flawless user experience to its subscriber base, those are accessing Facebook app on their smartphone and tablets.
Of course, the home screen is the first screen what users see on their mobile phone. The Home comprises Cover Feed, which will let users to interact with their friends quickly, rather than clicking and tapping fingers around the apps. Undoubtedly, ‘Cover Feed’ will bring users’ all friends’ updates right on their device’s home screen.
Apparently, Facebook Home is expected to transform smartphone to people centric device, from an app centric and task-driven tool. Suppose you would have a conversion with your friend, the icon of Chat Head would come up on the home screen of your device for easy access. If you want to go through with other apps, such as Instagram and gaming apps simultaneously, then the Chat Head would stay right on the device’s corner, which would be ready and waiting for interaction.
In simple words, Facebook Home starts with ‘Cover Feed’ screen, which would show people and connections. The Cover Feed would show users’ social feeds, such as screen images, comments and text updates, at once. Likewise, Chat Head would also be one of the smart way to think about mobile messaging, and definitely it seems very promising for users.