After Facebook and Google Plus, its time for Twitter to implement and launch new features to attract online users. Recently, Micro-Blogging site launched a new feature which allows users to Tweet in five languages. Today company has announced the launch of a new website which will provide a service called “Twitter Charity Swear Box”. This new service is available for all users from today onwards. Twitter’s Charity Swear Charity box is based upon the concept of real life charity box to check whether you have used any naughty words on your Tweeter in past. If anyone uses naughty swear words regularly, $1 will be added to the the amount and display it on the dashboard. The money collected from this service will go to the charity.
This new feature is beneficial for charity, as the number of users are on higher side who use such words in their tweets. The more one uses naughty word the more his/her amount increases. With introduction of this new feature, usage of bad words on Twitter might get reduce. The most important thing is, it doesn’t ask users’ bank account number, it’s up to users if they want they want to clearup their account and pay. But the money which users will pay directly goes to the charity as per their wish .
There are several charities attached with “Twitter Charity Swear Box” program like Camba, Feed The Children, Peta, FCF, WWF, ChildLine as well as UNICEF. All the funds will go directly to the respective charity.
This new feature is also fruitful for social worker as well as donator if they want to donate money. They can directly donate to their respective charity via online transaction.
A dictionary of swears has been put together with Charity box which consist of hundreds of swears and misspelling of swears. If users think that any swear word is missing then they can submit it on the dictionary.
This website reminds a little bit of the “Give A Sh*t” campaign which takes place earlier this year, asking people to “give a sh*t” for a good cause and by posting about the cause on Twitter while sitting on the toilet. According to the homepage of “Twitter Charity Box” they have collected $133.77 so far. Hope the amount rises much more.
Below video will provide clear view about “Twitter Swear Charity Box”:
Hey friends have you join the “Twitter Charity Swear Box” to turn your bad words in to good deed? If not then join it to help the charity.