If you could control another person’s life for one week, what would you make them do?
You might want to start thinking about that because starting Monday, an advertising recruiter named David Perez will do whatever his Twitter followers tell him to do for one week reported by CNN. There’s only one catch to what Perez is calling David On Demand: it must be legal.
Perez’s decision to allow Twitter followers to rule his life for a week came after his boss told him that the only way the company would pay for his trip to the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival in France was if he allowed Twitter users to tell him what to do while in the country.
To keep his experiment on the up-and-up, Perez will be recording everything with a Webcam attached to glasses. He will stream the video over the Web, without interruption, for the entire week. He told CNN that he will point the glasses away from him when he sleeps (about three hours per day). The camera will also be pointed away when he’s taking showers and using the restroom.
Those who want to tell David what to do will need to do so on Twitter. If you want to watch throughout the week, go to the David On Demand Web page.
Perez’s life is about to change, and it’s up to you to determine how that happens. To get you started: Perez told CNN that he’s afraid heights.