
How Yahoo’s New CEO Is Motivating Employees For Fast And Smart Work?

Last five years were really a nightmare for Yahoo; a half-dozen CEO came and left the company during this period. Finally, Yahoo's responsibility were entrusted under the leadership of Marissa Mayer on July 16, 2012. Previously, I have already...

Google Rules Over Online Video Space: Users Spend 2000% More Time Than Facebook [Stats]

When it comes to searching for the information, Google is the top search engine in the world and also Google rules the online world of videos with the highest number of unique visitors. Online video viewing via Google Sites: According to...

How Marissa Mayer Could Pull out Google’s Talent Pool Toward Yahoo?

Undoubtedly, at present, Yahoo is going through rough patches. There have been a turmoil inside Yahoo to have a permanent CEO, almost half of dozen CEOs have left the company since the last five years. The search giant has...

Will The Frequent Change Of ‘Driver’ – And The New CEO – Can Save Yahoo ?

Indeed, Yahoo's investors are beleaguered with turmoil for making permanent CEO, almost half-dozen CEOs have left the company since last five years. However, it has been speculated that the interim CEO "Ross Levinsohn" would lead the company, but it hasn't...

Yahoo – Share Photos Sent To You: Will It Server The Purpose?

People often send personal photos, fun stuffs and many more to your flooded inbox and just when it hits in your mind about a particular favorite photo that you thought about seeing again, it takes almost forever to find...

Yahoo Endeavors To Strengthen Its “Image Search” With HQ Pics [Review]

Images speak louder than words and the craving for the high quality photos is largely in demand. For all those high quality photo desiring fans, Yahoo - the next popular search engine giant (after Google), has added a new...

IT Giants Lock Horns In A Browser War Over The Mobile Web.

The battle for Browser supremacy on the mobile web is gaining some unprecedented momentum. The top players Microsoft, Google, Apple and Mozilla have now been joined by Yahoo! and then there is Opera, which has been in the news recently...

The Good, The Bad And The Yahoo!

So the inevitable has finally occurred, Yahoo's CEO Mr Scott Thompson has been relieved from his duties and the company has a new CEO, Ross Levinsohn. That didn't take long, did it? Thompson's elimination in just over 5 months...

Yahoo Is Dying A Slow Death [Special Report]

The Internet business is about ideating and innovating constantly, not only to keep ahead of your competition but also to do the most basic of all things a business needs to achieve - survive in the long run. If...

Who Is The Real Copy Cat – Facebook Or Yahoo?

The tussle between Yahoo and Facebook over Patent issues is heating up with each passing day as both the companies have still not come to the point of intimacy. Yahoo is continuously threatening Facebook that it may be liable...
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