Apple is going to launch its next generation “Retina Display” Tablet having 2048×1536 pixels screen display resolution next week. The Tablet will provide a clearer and sharper image to users and also will outstandingly display numbers of applications. It has reportedly stated by a reliable source that Apple has imposed on 3G downloads a mandatory of 20 MB file size limit. Now, iOS devices will have to include ‘@2x’ graphics—these are the image file that have been quadrupled in pixels count to produce proper display on the iPad 3—in order to do so. If the image files will not quadrupled in pixels or the apps that use custom graphics like Bjango’s consume 2 or Tweetbot, then it would look “blurrier” on the new Retina Display than iPad 2. There are lots of suggestions available on different websites that how to remove 20 MB limit on iPad2. The problem with developers is here that they will have to prepare higher resolution image. There might be a question, how Retina Graphics would affect the size of one of its latest apps?
The problem will arise with universe apps that are offered for both iPhone and iPad as single download. In 3G connections, apps will come under the 20 MB limit that Apple imposes, otherwise, it will face a problem of loss in downloads. All apps will not necessarily affected by this limitation, only the iPad version would be affected due to size increase. Some apps developers those who are offering the apps separately for iPhone and iPad might not suffer as much as universal app developer will.
In order to fulfill the limited size, the universal apps developers will have to split their apps into two binaries—one explicitly for iPhone and other for the iPad. Previously, Apple had apparently fixed the file size as 10 MB after being pressurized by AT&T in February 2010. It’s anticipated that Apple might increase 3G download limitation at the time when the company will introduce its iPad 3 next week.
The chart reveals how much Apple is going to increase its 3G download cabs. There is possibility of to increase the cab by 273%. This means that somewhere the download limit for 3G connection is likely to be 60 MB. The problem is going to worsen for those apps developers that are still more relying on custom graphics. Indeed, AT&T this time is throttling to customers in order to download larger data size.