Top Incidents Of 2011 On Twitter With Maximum Tweets Per Second

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In last one year Twitter has resulted as one of the best social networking site for promoting news and brands. Dozen of major events have been announced on Twitter; from the announcement of baby to natural disaster. And all these events set their own Tweet per second records. Near about thousands of Tweets were tweeted each second by number of Twitter users. Taking in view of all those events TweetSmarter has made an infochart which highlights the events which were most tweeted in 2011.

The first record-breaking tweet event took place on January 1, 2011, when Twitter registered a massive 6,939 tweets per second on new year occasion.

However, throughout the year Tweets about different events made a fair show of Tweet – per-second. The earthquake and Tsunami in Japan were tweeted for more than 5,530 time per-second, while the Superbowl saw 4,064 tweets, and the final match of Women World Cup 2011 registered 7,196 Tweets.

Taking a close look at overall tweet Japan TV Screening registered 25,088 tweets which is a record for maximum tweet-per-second on Twitter till date, followed by MTV Video Music Award which took place in August 28th.



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