AI-Powered Truecaller Assistant Changes the Way You Receive Calls, Forever: Never Answer Another Spam Call

Annoyed picking up spam calls? Now, you can clone your own voice to answer the incoming call, or record them for later purposes. Truecaller's recent partnership with Microsoft represents a significant advancement in call management technology.

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Imagine a world where your cloned voice answers the phone call. Truecaller, a popular caller ID and spam-blocking app, is making strides towards that reality with the help of Microsoft’s cutting-edge AI technology. Truecaller has recently partnered with Microsoft to integrate its new “Personal Voice” feature powered by Azure AI Speech into its platform.

Users can record their voice through the Truecaller app, enabling Microsoft’s AI to analyze the recording and create a digital replica. This replica is then used by Truecaller’s AI Assistant to answer calls on your behalf. No more generic, robotic voices!

Truecaller’s pivotal role as the early access partner for Microsoft’s Personal Voice technology was highlighted at the Microsoft Build conference in Seattle, where a working demo of this feature was showcased.

Microsoft has taken proactive steps to ensure the ethical use of this technology. This includes automatic watermarks on voices generated by Azure AI Speech’s personal voice and the implementation of a code of conduct requiring user consent and prohibiting impersonation.

Truecaller’s AI Assistant Evolution

Truecaller’s AI Assistant, launched in September 2022, represents a significant advancement in call management technology. By leveraging various AI technologies, it provides users with features such as automatic call answering, message-taking, and call recording for later reference. However, it’s worth noting that these features are currently only available in select countries where Truecaller operates.

Moreover, the Assistant’s call screening capabilities set it apart, allowing users to discern the purpose of incoming calls promptly. By displaying the reason for the call, users can make informed decisions on how to proceed, whether to answer directly or delegate the task to the Assistant.

Truecaller asserts that the Assistant responds swiftly, typically within a second, and boasts an impressive accuracy rate exceeding 90% in comprehending caller intentions. This combination of speed and precision streamlines call handling, making communication more efficient and seamless for users.

Now, with the integration of Microsoft’s Personal Voice technology, Truecaller’s AI Assistance can not only answer calls with the user’s voice replica but also offer the flexibility to answer calls manually or let them go to voicemail. This empowers users to manage their calls more efficiently, reducing interruptions and unwanted spam calls while providing an added layer of security against spammers.

“At Truecaller, we’re constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance our users’ experience and provide them with cutting-edge features. By integrating Microsoft Azure AI Speech’s personal voice capability into Truecaller, we’ve taken a significant step towards delivering a truly personalized and engaging communication experience,” said Raphael Mimoun, Product Director & General Manager, Truecaller Israel.

Truecaller’s Market Impact

The prevalence of spam calls, particularly in countries like India, has been a significant challenge for users, with an average of 17 spam calls per month reported in a 2021 study by Truecaller. Given India’s status as Truecaller’s largest market, with 250 million users, the platform plays a crucial role in combating unwanted calls and ensuring millions of people a more secure calling experience.

Truecaller’s global reach is impressive, with over 383 million active users worldwide and more than a billion downloads since its launch. In 2023 alone, the platform identified and blocked around 50 billion unwanted calls, highlighting its effectiveness in addressing the spam call epidemic.

The collaboration between Microsoft and Truecaller, particularly with the integration of Personal Voice technology, has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with our phones for calling purposes. The ability to have one’s own voice answer calls offers a more convenient and personalized experience, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

As AI technology continues to advance, we can anticipate even more innovative ways to manage phone calls and interactions, shaping the future of communication. However, amidst these advancements, it’s essential to engage in ongoing discussions about privacy and responsible use of AI. Balancing the benefits of AI-driven solutions with concerns about privacy and data security will be crucial in shaping the future of communication technology.

To configure your personal voice for Truecaller Assistant, check out the complete video guide here!


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