10 Most Visited Websites by Internet Users in India

The below graph represents the top 10 most visited websites in India, by unique visitors in the month of July 2020. Google Sites remains India's most visited website across mobile and desktop platforms, with over 396.9 million unique visitors. This is followed by the most popular social networking platform Facebook.

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The above graph represents the top 10 websites in India by unique visitors in July 2020. Interestingly, Google Sites, which include YouTube, Gmail, Google Search, Google News, Play Movies, once again emerged as the most visited website in India. Google sites cumulatively garnered more than 396.9 million unique visitors in July month, across mobile and desktop platforms.

SourceComscore, Inc.
Graph ID859
PlatformDesktop and Mobile

The graph also shows the percentage of Internet users in India who visited a particular website during the month. In July 2020, Google Sites tops the list of the most-visited websites in India, accounting for 97.8% of the online users. Facebook and Amazon Sites secured the second and third place with 94.9% reach and 81.6% reach, respectively.

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