Number of Active Incubators & Accelerators in India

The below graph represents the total number of active incubators and accelerators in India, in a given period. As of 2019, India has 335+ active accelerators/incubators, up from 320+ active accelerators/incubators in the previous year.

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The above graph represents the total number of active incubators and accelerators in India, starting from 2014 to 2019. As of 2019, India has 335+ active accelerators and incubators with the capacity to support 5000+ startups annually.

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According to the Nasscom 2019 report, the number of accelerators and incubators in India is expected to surpass 450 by 2025, with policy support from Central and State Government agencies.

Note: All data have taken from the report co-developed by NASSCOM and Zinnov Management Consulting through a comprehensive three-month study to understand the Technology Product & Digital Start-up Landscape in India.

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