On Wednesday, Google Inc introduced a new feature which changed the way search results get produced. This new feature which has the ability to produce the results based on intelligent typing & word has been named as “Google Instant”. Company claims that people can save 5 -10 seconds in search results production due to new feature. Company also made more than 500 changes to the way it ranks the websites.
The new feature shows search results that change as each letter in a word is typed into the search box. At present, a search begins when the word is typed and the “enter” key struck. The feature is being rolled out in the U.S. and six European countries this week and will be introduced more broadly later, the company said.
Dazeinfo has reported about this feature few weeks back when Google were testing this feature with some of the testers account.
At a demonstration at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Mountain View, Calif., company showed how the search engine now tries to predict what customers are searching for and instantly displays results before they finish typing. One engineer who wanted weather information typed in the letter “W” into the search box and immediately got the local weather forecast above other search results.
Marissa Mayer, vice president of search product and user experience, said Google Instant could shave two to five seconds from the 25 seconds it currently takes, on average, to search and choose a link.