Yesterday India’s one of the major Telecom provider Bharti Airtel announced it plan to launch Apple’s flagship product iPhone 4.0 in India by September or October this year. In last couple of weeks, we have seen multiple versions of iPhone craze in many countries where people were ready to do anything in order to obtain the iPhone 4 as earliest.
we have seen the pre-launch success of iPhone, 3 Million record sales and then complaints towards iPhone performance and criticism of Steve Jobs – CEO Apple Inc the way he handled iPhone 4 owners’ complaints. With all ups and downs, iPhone is one of the most ambitious mobile handset launch till date. No matter whether consumer report thumbs down iPhone 4 or Apple blames Algorithm for iPhone glitches, people are eagerly still awaiting of iPhone 4 in many countries like India.
Given thoughts on all new upgrades & features available with iPhone 4 and a fare comparison with Indian Infrastructure conditions, I would like to shed some light on few important aspects which will surely make you to rethink on your decision of buying an iPhone 4. ( If you are really thinking so).
- FaceTime app which is an important feature in new iPhone 4 allows people to have Video chat over WiFi network. Going a step further if you install a third-party mobile app named Fring, you can also have 2 way Video chat with almost any cross-platform phone like Symbian. But if you think of this service in Indian condition where voice chat is still one of the most desirable service, required network capacity for Video chat is not currently available. 3G network implementation is on its way and many mobile operators have already set the deadlines for 3G roll out, surely it is not going to be a cake walk for them. With complete focus on upcoming 3G roll out, compromised features on iPhone will not be at their top priority to fix. Rather most of people would prefer to see the actual impact of 3G in India before having iPhone 4 with them.
- Another important feature called as Retina Display provides further more sharp, more vibrant and highest resolution screen display ever. But to gain such clarity iPhone 4 has 4 time pixel count of previous model. That means the size of image will increase and with stern condition of Mobile infra network, where downloading is still chargeable on per MB count, people need to shell out more from their pockets towards LIve or GPRS service and increase mobile internet bills every month.
- With another impressive feature of HD recording, iPhone 4 allows you to shoot your own movie in high-definition video. Thats great but one second. where will you enjoy those video besides iPhone itself ? Still in India has not adopted complete culture of HD videos and to run these videos on other devices there will be a huge demand of open infra for which Apple never geared.
- 5 Mega Pixel with LED screen. Probably this is a sole feature which can be utilized in full manner in India but the similar ( or even better ) mobile cameras are available in Indian market which associated with other mobile phone like Nokia, Samsung etc. With variety of options ion much competitive cost people will surely look value for money compare to brand and craze.
What do you feel about the forthcoming launch of iPhone 4 in India. Let us know your views and thoughts in comments section.