Over the past decade, a noticeable uptick in employee concerns surrounding productivity and workplace challenges has become evident. The recent report titled "State of the Global Workplace 2024" by Gallup serves as a clarion call to employers worldwide, compelling...
Recently, Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), appeared with Adam Grant, a renowned psychologist, on a podcast to discuss the future of work. He emphasized a simple Microsoft Outlook feature for leaders to help them set the...
The primary objective of labour laws is meant to function in the interest of employees and safeguard them from any possible abuse from employers. However, the new labour laws that the government of India is a kind of a...
Let’s face it. The notion of “working in a toxic environment” could pretty much apply to anyone - to some extent or another. We all have irritating coworkers, clients, or bosses - possibly all three - that add unneeded...
The COVID19 pandemic has already induced the 'Work from Home' template across the world. Now that enough months have been clocked, is WFH the idyllic solution that every employee wished for? Going by this recent report, let’s just say...
As rightly said by Henry David Thoreau, "It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?"
This applies to everyone aiming to better manage their time in order to be...
There's no debate about the fact that an IT service desk, when properly run, leads to both short-term and long-term business growth. The question comes in when trying to figure out how to give enough time and effort to...
With all the advancements in technology, managers and business owners seem to be taking note. Far too many believe that traditional methods like emails, meetings, phone calls, or bulletin boards get the job done. But it’s not enough.
Many employees...
It has been an idea that has been mooted by many, perhaps also somewhat sceptically. From being a dark horse to becoming a serious contender to get adopted in these testing times, a 4 day work week looks set...
Smartphones are said to make our work fast and easy by helping us complete urgent tasks on the move and keeping us regularly updated. Today we can unlock a whole universe of facts with a swipe of our smartphone....