
How Much Fun You Actually Have Over Facebook – Try Facebook Fun Audit [Video]

Everybody in this world hates one thing the most – auditing their records, activity or let it be anything. People like to stay free, calm, relaxed without have any flag of monitoring. However, sometime its quite interesting o setup...

The Death Of RIM: 90% Depreciation In Last 4 Years [INFGRAPHIC]

The stock market plunged 90% in last four years, multiple failed attempts t bounce back in market with new handsets and OS, Once the most profitable company of Canada struggling for survival, holding the last session of lost battle...

Employers Closely Monitor Candidate’s LinkedIn Profile Than Facebook And Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social Media has improved the recruitment process by making it more open, democratic and transparent. Managers prefer ‘Facebook’ and ‘LinkedIn’, to hand-pick or verify candidates rather to go for long time process. ‘LinkedIn’ launched its enhanced company pages function that...

How Fortune 500 Companies Are Utilizing Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

The fragrance and effectiveness of social media has convinced corporate and Fortune 500 companies are no left behind in this race. Do Fortune 500 companies really need social media to leverage and rely over billion users' social networks ? Here is an informative...

First RFID Toll Gate In India: Authorities Still Need To Learn To Leverage On Technology !

I just learned that Indian is going to get the first Toll Gate equipped with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology where passers won’t have to stop to pay the toll charges. The hi-tech toll gate is going to be...

Doodlr: An Amazing Togetherness Of Physical And Digital World [Video]

The adoption of QR codes is just being versatile with each passing day. The innovations, ideas, and adoption of technology have grown way beyond computers, mobile phones, and digital objects. with the improvement in the technology arena, people are...

Google Search To Drive Rs. 4,391 Crores Digital Advertisement Industry In India [Study]

In the digital era of marketing and promotions it shouldn’t surprise to anyone. A multi-million dollar industry (read as multi-billion if in Rs.) is improving its presence and figures with 25% year-on-year. By the end of financial year 2012...

[D’Dialogue] RecruiterBox: State-Of-The-Art Recruitment Solution For Startups And SMBs [Interview]

With the incubation of startups ecosystem, almost every industry is facing diverse challenges and needs to make way for, probably, the next Facebook, Groupon or Zynga. Though, opportunities and ideas are flourishing the market - so the VCs - the hunt and poach process has...

How Educators Are Using Third Biggest Social Network Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pinterest - the third biggest social network which allows users to pin various contents on their bulletin board - is being used by many professionals and personals intelligently. With the enormous potential and greater content organizing mechanism, its also being adopted by...

Discounts and Offers Are Driving Force Behind Users’ Engagement With Brands [Study]

The debate is undoubtedly not new but still worth to monitor time to time. The behavioural aspect of people towards Facebook and email engagement has always been a challenge, especially for social media and online marketers who want to...

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An avid industry analyst passionate about Mobile, Technology and Entrepreneurship. A internholic user can be found by "amit6060" on social networks.
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