Wireless connections are increasing with dizzying pace in India month-over-month. However, the Supreme Court of India has provided some more time to telecom vendors to continue its services till September 7 of this year across the country. A recent report from Medianama has revealed that there were 683 million active connections in India during March of this year. Idea cellular was at the top with a record of 105.34 million active users in March of this year, followed by Vodafone, added 1.02 million wireless connections and taking its base to 133.49 million active users during the same time period.
According to the report, S Tel and Etisalat are going to respite their networks later this year, that’s why, these telecom vendors have not yet submitted their data to TRAI. The chart (below) has not included any stats from these carriers, however, it does not mean that no new users were added or debarred during March of this year.
Bharti Airtel succeeded to sustain its position and come after Idea Cellular in number of new connections in March of this year. The telecom vendor has reported 2.50 million new connections in March of this year, taking base connections to 181.27 million with 166.28 million active users.
RCOM added 1.04 million connections in March this year, up 0.69% compare to a month before, with 100.07 million active connections. However, the month was not so impressive for some other players like Tata Teleservices, Aircel and Videocon, connections declined in March this year by o.17%, 1.08% and 3.97% respectively.