Adoption of Internet is growing like a speed of light and most of the users get fascinated with Chatting windows at first when they join Internet Lobby. Over the years Internet & online chatting has achieved many miles and milestones which almost changed the chatting window these days. Previously we used to know only few chatting sites like Yahoo Chat, MSN Chat or GTalk. But now many websites offer personalized chat to their visitors like Facebook, Support Chat etc.
With the development of chat, many words also been adopted by chatters over these years and all these words carries well toned meaning but do not exist any where in any dictionary. In fact using these slangs has been a source for understanding the chatter experience over the Internet. The more you are familiar with these slangs, more be known as Internet savvy.
Here we get some of the most popular Internet Slangs and their so-called ” Chat Meaning” for you.
1) LOL : Laughing Out Loud
2) BRB : Be Right Back
3) IDK : I don’t Know
4) BFF : Best Friends Forever
5) OMG : Oh My God
6) PLZ : Please
7) CYA : Cover Your Ass
8) BTW : By The Way
9) FML : F**k My Life
10) DOS : Diet on Sunday
11) DOA : Dead or Alive
12) ROFL : Rolling on Floor Laughing
13) THX : Thanks
14) BC : Because
15) BSTD : Bastard
There would be many more similar slangs which you may be aware of. I would rather see what you have got to tell few new Internet Slangs. What are some of your favorite Internet acronyms and slang terms with interesting alternative meanings?