The above graph represents the worldwide Google advertising revenue by year, starting from fiscal 2001 to the recently completed year. Over 83.3% of Alphabet's total revenue in 2019 came from Google advertising business. Google ads revenue reached an all-time high...
The above graph represents the share of Twitter advertising revenue by quarter, starting from fiscal Q1 2011 to Q2 2021. Interestingly, a whopping 82% of Twitter's total revenue in Q2 2020 came from its advertising services. During the second...
The DGraph represents the Facebook earnings in Q2 2018, which includes revenue from advertising, payments & other fees, total costs & expenses, income from operations, and total net income.
In Q2 2018, Facebook's total revenue clocked $13.2 billion, worldwide. Interestingly, nearly...
The above graph represents the Facebook advertising revenue by region, from Q2 2010 to the most recently completed quarter. A whopping 98.4% of Facebook’s total revenue in Q4 2019 came from its Advertising business. Facebook advertising revenue in Q4...
Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) owned YouTube, is growing steadily Y-O-Y in terms of revenue and monthly unique visitors. YouTube hosts more than 3 billion monthly search queries and has over 1 million unique monthly visitors. Information seekers across the globe...