In the 2013 film, “The Internship”, two salesmen played by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, are salesmen of luxury watches, who are given the boot, unable to cope in an increasingly online-driven retail world; and bereft of options, they go...
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Windows XP has had a glorious run, and has been the most successful Desktop OS in the history of Microsoft or indeed any other Desktop Operating System. This is especially impressive if one considers that despite having...
There used to be a time, not too long ago when networking was only relevant to the modern office, and of course, for IT firms where PC’s and laptops had to be connected to the office network, which in...
Watch out Samsung, HTC and other Android smartphone vendors. LG Electronics today launched two new members for the Optimus smartphone series dubbed the the LG Optimus One and Optimus Chic. They are targetted for first-time smartphone users and use...
Computers have taken over many facets of our lives which includes activities, which we wouldn’t have let them down a few decades back. One of those activities is letting them trade stocks, bonds and other financial instruments on our behalf. Now when I speak on computer-trading or more accurately algorithmic or automated trading, I am not referring to online trading, which I’m sure quite a few readers of this site is familiar with.
Article by Rama:
When choosing an HDTV, you need not consider resolution, plasma burn-in and LCD motion blur as factors affecting your buying decision. Even picture quality is not something to worry too much about. The factors that you should...
Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock would probably heard about the iPhone , Apple’s now legendary phone offering that spawned an entire blue ocean ecosystem of handsets, music and applications. They say the sincerest form of flattery is imitation and Google’s Android attempted to do just that by providing an iphone-like OS for 3rd party manufacturers in order to curb Apple’s influence and market share in the touchscreen smartphone market.
So ... you got yourself one of those FullHD panel TV, now what? What you would probably want to do is figure out how best to use all those glorious pixels into good use. Modern LCD and Plasma panels...
Recently Google announced that company's much hyped and sole mobile handset NexusOne would be discontinued in order to shift all its focus towards Technology instead of struggling for Hardware and other related issues. With the final shipment in last few days, Google informed that the handset would be available for registered developers for their research and testing activities.
Over the past century communication between organizations and their customers has changed drastically, which started from print, television, radio, phone and fax, and now the fastest medium yet, the Internet. The theory of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has become a part of everyday life. Research has suggested that CMC is not neutral: it can cause many changes in the way people communicate with one another.