
Google VPN: The New Addition To Google One, Essential For Your Phone’s Data Security

The new Google VPN is something that you must care about if you use public WiFi or internet connections outside your office or home. Petrified while logging onto a public network? Worried something else besides your latte is brewing in...

10-year Long Android Battle Between Google And Oracle Becomes Nasty Now!

While the entire world today hails Google as the inventor of Android, little do people know about the tech giant's fight with Oracle over the codes that sits at the heart of the world's most popular mobile smartphone OS. The...

iPhone 12 Mini Is The Greatest Threat To Android Dominance, Ever!

The fascination for Apple iPhone among Android smartphone users has been noticed in various studies conducted at regular intervals. In spite of that iPhone could never challenge Android's dominance as a majority of Android smartphone users maintained an awful...

Apple Accounted For 65% Of Global App Spent In Q3 2020

If you wonder why a majority of app developers are willing to target Apple users before Google Android, the data on global app spent in Q3 2020 answers all the questions you may be looking for. According to the latest...

Why Is Access Dots Touted As A Must Install App for All Android Smartphone Users

Are you an Android user and missing some of the much-needed security features that iOS 14 users have been enjoying now? You must pay attention to it. Data privacy has become a sweeping concern for all gadget users in this...

New Android Malware Steals Your Banking Credentials And Let Hackers Access Your Smartphone

If you are an active user of banking apps on your Android smartphone, you must pay close attention to it. Just when you think you've adhered to all necessary security protocols out there and thus you will be safe on...

India’s Spam SMS Problem: Are These Smart SMS Blocking Apps the Solution?

Spam SMS is not juts irritating, but a productivity killer! In this day and age of hyper-consumerism, capitalism, and digital marketing, brand promotion is no longer reserved for billboards, magazines, and newspapers. Ever since the inception of the SMS, this...

BlackRock: The New Android Malware that Targets More Apps Than Ever Before

A new Android malware has become a nightmare for over 2.5 billion Android smartphone users worldwide. The new banking malware has surfaced in the Android ecosystem, with a longer list of target apps, the ability to gain admin privileges...

Android Users Beware: WolfRAT Malware May Be Coming For You

If you're one of the 2.5 billion Android users out there, you should pay attention. The security experts at Cisco have discovered a new Android malware that could impact you. The new malware, dubbed "WolfRAT," affects popular messaging apps, including...

Coronavirus Tracking App: The Test Version From Apple And Google Is Out!

The Coronavirus tracking app people need the most at unprecedented testing time. Companies are leaving no stone unturned to make anything that could come as a relief to billions of people worldwide. The two biggest tech giants Apple and...
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In the dynamic world of social media, where content reigns supreme, Instagram stands as one of the prominent platforms...
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