Orkut was dead or it was in exile, for now, let's just say it was in a dormant state and finding a way to get its foot in the door. 'Hello', founded by Orkut Büyükkökten who was also the...
This infographic speaks about the elapsed, disappearing or fading social media sites which once showed off its best and now considered as out-dated and few which died after couple of days after birth and few lacked immunity to rivals.
I was shocked when I opened my Orkut account and found not a single scrap from most of my friends for 4 to 5 months. Already there is a lot of news about "Orkut’s death," for which Facebook is...
Larry would be going through the sleepless nights these days for sure. Internet Giant Google's social networking website Orkut has lost yet another turf to the surge of Facebook. India stands among very few countries where Orkut is still a champion in social networking despite of hard selling by other competitors like ibibo, Facebook.com, Fropper & Twitter. But now anymore.
With the popularity of Google, millions of people use various services daily. With bunch of services from Google one person may have different user name and password for various Google services like Gmail, Docs, Codes, Sites etc and therefore it is painful to remember and key-in multiple credentials at the same time.