warren buffett

Warren Buffett Discloses the Secret Sauce to Success He Achieves Every day!

Warren Buffett, the 4th wealthiest man in the world, needs no introduction. But if you are among the very few ones who haven't heard his name, let us briefly introduce him to you. Warren Buffett is the world's renowned...

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Becomes The World’s Third Richest Person

Despite the fact that Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) was constantly in news for the negative reasons in the recent months, it finally tasted some magnificent success! Facebook’s Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg becomes the third richest person on the...

Apple Is An Exceptional Tech Behemoth Believes Gates And Warren Buffett

The Silicon Valley behemoth Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) triumphantly casts an ever-lasting spell in the technology ecosystem. Its competitors have been long known to mirror its efforts, yet couldn't fathom to dethrone the Cupertino giant. Apple with its both product...

Why Is Warren Buffett Buying Apple After Lifelong Aversion to Technology?

In May 2016, after nearly a lifelong aversion to technology stocks, Warren Buffett invested $1 billion in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). It was his very first investment in technology space. The development attracted the eyeballs of many as the Oracle of...

Yahoo Bidding War: Why Does Warren Buffett Want to Board the Sinking Ship?

The fairytale of Yahoo’s success in its early years is soon to be ending in a tragedy because of a bundle of decisions that backfired for it in the recent past. While it's no secret that the Marissa Mayer,...
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