
Facebook Is Skeptical About The Future Of Its Libra Currency!

We first heard about Facebook Libra, the cryptocurrency social media giant has made plans for, back in June. Amidst all the concerns and reservations of authorities surrounding it now, the digital cryptocurrency may never be launched at all. One of...

Fake Libra Currency Sellers Are Already Here, Much Before Its Official Launch

When Facebook announced its new digital currency Libra last month, little did Zuckerberg and team knew that fake sellers would soon flood the platform to dupe overexcited social media users. Facebook's new digital currency Libra is developed to compete with...

New $75 Million Cryptocurrency Fraud In India Rattles The Startup World

The hype of cryptocurrency in India has started showing its side effects. One after another the so-called role models of crypto-preneurs are getting exposed as they are accused of running their cryptocurrency based startups like a Ponzi scheme. As per...

Finney: The First Blockchain Smartphone Can Trigger Mass Adoption of Cryptocurrency

A Blockchain smartphone is not just a gimmick anymore as Sirin Labs has made it official and released the specification of Finney - the long-awaited and revolutionary smartphone. The world's first blockchain smartphone, Finney - named after bitcoin pioneer Hal...

Blockchain Phone: Do We Need One?

The concept for Blockchain phones was first presented in 2017. Cryptocurrencies are wildly popular with investors, but are also causing some deep contemplation in the more conservative enclaves of the financial world. Blockchains, the technology which facilitates cryptocurrencies holds...

Cryptocurrency Crimes In India On A Surge Amid Growing Lust For Returns

Bitcoin, the most popular among all the cryptocurrencies in the world, has attracted thousands of investors in India. But it appears that investments and frauds in cryptocurrency in India are moving in sync as fraudulent activities related to Bitcoin...

Google’s Latest Move May Prove Fatal For The Industry Worth $1 Trillion?

Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies are making headlines in the mainstream media as they continue to make uncontrolled swings in the digital currency market. Cryptocurrency, based on the stellar technology of Blockchain, is a disrupting force. Today the internet...

Cryptocurrency Daily Trade Value is Exceeding $2 Billion in 2017 [REPORT]

The world is heading towards a complete digital era when almost everything could be traded or communicated online. The biggest impact of the digitisation could be seen in today's currency as the world is slowly but steadily embracing cryptocurrency....
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