
The Top 10 Scientific Discoveries Of 2009

A collection of the Top 10 scientific discoveries of 2009. Starting from scientists discovering water in the surface of moon, to atoms being teleported, a certain robot making some scientific discoveries & gene therapy paving the cure of color blindness. To know about all the discoveries read on.

Turn Any Surface into a Touch Screen [Amazing Innovation]

Have you ever thought that one fine day if you will have to interact with everything through ‘Touch’,no matter whether things are Touch sensitive or not ? Yes, that is very much possible now - Atleast for most of the things. A Futuristic interface through which people can interact with many things in life just by a single touch has been launched by a company recently.

HDTV Buying Guide – Myths and Assumptions Demystified

Article by Rama: When choosing an HDTV, you need not consider resolution, plasma burn-in and LCD motion blur as factors affecting your buying decision. Even picture quality is not something to worry too much about. The factors that you should...

Can Cloud Computing drive the economic growth ?

Can Cloud Computing drive the economic growth ? Yes, according to an annual study commissioned by Savvis Inc., a global leader in cloud infrastructure and hosted IT solutions for enterprises. 68 percent of IT and businesses decision makers feel that the flexibility of cloud computing could help organisations recover from the current global economic slowdown.

The format Wars (Media) – Part 3

In my previous writeups on the format wars, all the competing formats that I have talked about have eventually gone the way of the dinosaurs. In this section however, we tackle the topic of the most recent format war between 2 competing high storage optical media. The tech blogosphere was abuzz about this fiercely competetive duel in the mid 2000s and it is fairly recently that a victor has emerged. Yes, we're talking about the now legendary Blu Ray vs HD DVD battle.

The Format Wars (Media) – Part 2

If you think audio formats has had it’s share of format wars it pales in comparison with their equivalents in the video world. In terms of video media, the technology transition has also followed a similar curve when compared to its audio siblings

Now Ride a Flying Car !

A car that also doubles up as a plane will soon be a reality. Massachussetts-based company Terrafugia has developed a car-plane and plans to deliver it to its customers by the end of 2011. Called the 'Transition', the car-plane recently cleared a major hurdle when regulator Federal Aviation Administration granted a special weight limit exemption to it, the company said.

Future of Check Deposits

Internet Banking is doing wonders. People are gradually following the trend of NetBanking even. Despite of all there are many countries and large number of customers who still rely on check transactions. Imagine a situation when you have to deposit a check and you get stuck in some conference, college, office or with other commitment. Now deposit the check just by single click.

Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot, Fix System Slowdowns

Soluto bills itself as an "Anti-Frustration Software", and it's not hard to see why—it tracks all the applications in your system boot process, and tells you exactly which ones are slowing you down. Once you've installed the software and rebooted your PC, Soluto springs into action, tracking every single process that runs during the boot process, and then allows you to easily drill down into the list of processes to see exact times for each one.

Future of Mobile Device chargers !

Imagine a situation when your mobile devices i.e. Mobiles, Cameras, Laptops are indicating you about theit critical battery position and you are runing from pillar to post for an electronic switch to charge them back. Now you really dont have to care about all these things as you have now mobile charger available...A Future of Mobile Devices Charging.
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