
Can Meena Build Another Google for India ?

Meena wants to become a computer engineer. She believes that if she works hard enough, she can build her own “big business”—maybe a Google. So she is determined to complete her schooling and earn an engineering degree. Young girls like Meena, just 16 years old but with the ambition and confidence to enter the tech world, are a rare commodity even in Silicon Valley

Pakistan plays politics with Facebook !

Just few days back, we heard about Pakistan banned Facebook, Youtube & Twitter. Despite of partial release of YouTube, after deletion of controversial objects, Pakistan still continue the ban on Facebook. Now the stories are getting air that Facebook ban was much more political influenced instead of sentimental of muslims in Pakistan.

Top Most Popular Brands on Facebook!

AllFacebook boasts a nice feature where you can see what the top performing Facebook Pages are – meaning which Pages have gathered the largest following to date. The problem is that there’s apparently a significant lag, and that the data presented is therefor inaccurate (for example, it undercounts the number of fans of the popular Texas Hold’em Poker page by nearly 1.5 million).

Now Twitter dies off in Pakistan !

It's not been more than 48 hours when Pakistan blocked Facebook & Youtube. With latest turn, Pakistani authorities widened the crackdown on websites with blasphemous contents by restricting access to popular social networking website Twitter on Friday.

Pakistan throws out YouTube again after Facebook !

The blockade came after the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) directed Internet service providers to block access to social network site Facebook indefinitely on Wednesday because of an online competition to draw the Prophet Mohammad.
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