
10 Amazing Facts About Steve Jobs You May Not Know

A genuinely iconic man and a fighter who has brought back Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) from the brink of bankruptcy to become the second most valuable company in the United States and the world's 7th largest public company with now...

Apple Inc. (AAPL) App Store Life Cycle: Steve Jobs Worst Nightmare Coming True !

The Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) App Store celebrated its sixth birthday on July 10, 2014. Since its inception, App Store has gone through various iterations and changes, and subsequently, the number of apps has grown multi-fold. The categories within the apps,...

Facebook Still Keeps Memories Of Steve Jobs Alive Through Timeline [VIDEO]

Around four months have passed since the sad demise of the father of revolutionary iPad and iPhone Steve Jobs; still, the Facebook page of Steve Jobs is as active as like any other page. The Facebook page of Steve...
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